
What was stonehenge used for?

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How did they move massive stones, and put them on top of each other? What was it used for?




  1. In the absence of hard evidence how they moved the stones will be argued about forever. However it’s a simple fact that they were moved, what is more important is how the builders achieved the precision, and what inspired the design.

    I respect of what it was used for, well that  is not going to be resolved by any answers given here. It’s entirely possible that the first constructions (around 3,000 BC) were not ‘used’ for the same purpose as the stone monument built around 500 years later. Equally the people who made the last modifications almost 1,000 years after the first stones arrived may have had no idea of the motivation behind the design of the early construction. One thing is for sure, the constant repetition, without any real evidence (other than a single solar alignment) that it was constructed for astronomical purposes is nothing more than unfounded speculation. Recent archaeological interpretations look at the design and construction from an entirely different perspective; however it may take a generation or so before people really start to question the unfounded theories.

  2. I think it was used to study the position of the stars and planets.

  3. Worship

  4. i'll make this short as possible:

    uses:1) for burial. Over 200 people were cremated and buried in the 56 Aubrey holes in the bank (the oldest part of the monument). In the fields beyond the stones but within sight of it are 100's of burial mounds.

    2) rites involving the solstices,possibly sun worship. At midsummer the sun rises beside the heelstone and shines into the circle where it would have touched the altar stone. In midwinter it works in reverse-the sun SETS through the great trilithon-when both sides were upright in the bronze age it would have formed a neat  box to frame the sun. The remnants of huge midwinter feasts have been found 2 miles from stonehenge,so this may have been the most important festival. recent archaeologist thinks it may also have been a healing temple. For years there have been  myths about the healing power of the bluestones which came all the way  from Wales. Certainly at least 1 rich,powerful early bronze age warrior had travelled from the Alps to Salisbury Plain--and he had a badly mangled knee.

      the stones themselves were probably moved on log rollers, maybe on a sledge,possibly pulled by oxen as well as men. The lintels were probably put up by building wooden scaffolding,level by level,until the  stone was in the right spot to be hoisted onto its mortise & tenon joint. The stonehenge people were pretty adapt at woodwork as evidenced by the huge contemporary structures found at nearky durrington Walls/Woodhenge-in fact Stonehenge is basically wood working techniques in stone.

  5. RITUAL SACRIFICES TO THE MAY QUEEN! No, I'm just kidding. I don't know.

  6. no one really knows they are still figuring it out. some say they use it as a calender, others say it is for mapping out stars positions during the year for certain events. but no they still haven't figured out what it was built for other than a ceremonial site.

    for more you can look here

  7. I believe it was used to worship the sun!?!?!?

  8. Dude isn't it obvious, it's actually the structure of a huge hot tub...It's just that the lining is all rotted out of it and there used to be huge ladders up to the top to jump in.   Also they got the rocks up there because they used alien spaceships and winces to drag them up there.  

  9. It existed before the druids! Megaliths are all over the world! Cornwall,Los Millares, Malta, Sonderholm, and over 900 in the British Isles alone! No one knows yet what they were for! Maybe they are used for telling the seasons like a calender?

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