
What was that?

by  |  earlier

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i wsa just out side right now and saw what looked like two stars moving in the exact same direction and were sort of far apart

they were NOT PLANES planes pass by almost every 15 sec because we live near LAX but there always close enough where we can see flashing lights and stuff but these look exactly like stars and im 100% sure they were not planes

could they have been UFOs?




  1. I saw them too. It was the space station and the Shuttle. They were connecting the robot  thingy to the space station a couple of days ago and they were preparing to land in flo-rida

  2. What you saw were either our man-made satellites which are just above our atmosphere or a meteor shower.

  3. What you saw were satellites.  

    Well, they were UFOs, but only until I identified them for you.

  4. They're definitely UFOs.

    The fact that they were in the sky seems to indicate flying, we can assume they're objects, and you clearly haven't identified them.

  5. yes they are they're at my house right now performing sexual experiments

  6. There are too common explanations.  Which are airplanes and satellites.  The way to tell the difference from these 2 and UFOs is by their flight pattern.  Our stuff such as airplanes and satellites do not zig zag in the air nor do they change direction extremely quickly.  I had also saw something in the nite sky last nite, but they both were satellites because of how they looked and their movement.  UFOs are pretty easy to tell apart from our own stuff most of the time.

  7. Sounds like satellites.

    I saw two shooting stars last night

    I wished on them but they were only satellites

    It's wrong to wish on space hardware

    I wish, I wish, I wish you'd care.

    Billy Bragg.

  8. Check out the NASA site, it is probably some satellites returning or the junk from the last one they supposedly shot down....truly tho, NASA give you the times and days and location so you can track these events...........good luck

  9. well if you could not identify them they they are called unidentified flying objects    aka UFO

  10. they were the international space station and shuttle flying by ...i saw it too

  11. hanger 18 - i know too much

  12. Yes, they certainly could have been UFOs.

  13. I see the same kind of lights out here in Australia. I asked this same question in the Astronomy section in Y!A and the conclusion they came up with was that they were satellite's (I personally reckon they are alien spacecraft's).

    These lights I regularly see in the night sky (that look exactly like stars) fly in two's sometimes three's. They speed up, zig zag and sometimes completely change direction from where they first started off - and just disappear. Bizarre stuff, but I learned to just enjoy watching them up there, whatever they may be.

  14. prolly nasa messin with your ehad.
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