
What was the last living dinosaur?

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what was the last vliving dinosaur and when did it die?


how many plates and spikes are on a stegosaurus' back?




  1. Umm...aren't sharks and turtles still examples of "living dinosaurs"?

  2. Last living dinosaur - Dinosaurs were several types of extinct prehistoric reptile that lived 230 (Upper Triassic)–65 million years ago (Upper Cretaceous). But did they completely die out or do they live among us today in the form of birds?

    Amongst those alive 65 million years ago included - Triceratops,Alioramus, Deinocheirus,Tyrannosaurus

    Stegosaurus - There were 17 bony plates rooted on the back of the stegosaurus. These bony plates were in two rows and were placed alternately to each other. The plates were made of hollow bones filled with tube-like tunnels but their functions are still unknown. The plates were possibly well nourished by blood vessels and may be either used for protection or to regulate the body temperature

  3. Birds are classed with the dinosauria and they are not extinct yet.

  4. 65 million years ago.  It may have been a T.rex.  After the collision of the Chicxulub asteroid caused a catastrophic collapse of ecosystems the large plant eaters, sauropods, ceratopsians and hadrosaurs, would have all died.  That would have left scavenging tyrannosaurs, surviving until the last carcass rotted away.

    To the person above, sharks and turtles are not in the dinosaur lineage.  Birds are.

  5. I can't really tell you what was the last dinosaur since we still haven't discovered all the species yet, but Tyrannosaurus was one of the last. T. Rex evolved around 67 mya (million years ago), and the K/T Event that wiped all dinosaurs out was around 65 mya (the most popular theory seems to be about increased volcanic activity and especially the meteorite impact. The meteorite would have been over 6 miles across). However, if you are asking about the actual dinosaur, not the species that would be nearly impossible to find out.

    About Stegosaurus, it had nineteen plates (maybe give or take one or two) and most scientists today agree that they were arranged in two alternating rows. They think that they would have been rich in blood vessels and some theories are that they could have been used to control body temperature (plates facing sun: warmer; plates facing away or into a breeze: cooler) or perhaps just for display. During mating season, a male could have flushed blood into his plates to make a display that could attract a female. Or, if a predator was around that same display could make it appear fiercer, and most enemies would have left it alone. Stegosaurus has four well-known spikes at the end of its tail, which may have been covered with tough horn, like horns of cattle today. The spikes measured up to a meter long (3 1/4 ft) and Stegosaurus would have used them lethally, since they probably weren't fast, so instead they would stand and fight. The tail spikes are also known as a thagomizer.

  6. Nobodyknows the answer the that question. There may be dinosaurs still alive.

    I believe that dinosaurs and humans have always lived together. Have you ever studied ancient culture. On tons of pottery, paintings, sculptures, buildings, and other artifacts there is pictures and descriptions of living dinosaurs. The word dinosaur was not made up until the 1800's . People called them dragons before.

    I believe that during Noah's flood all the dinosaurs where wiped out and buried under layers of sedimentary rocks. This occurred 4,400 years ago.

    Normal dying animals don't fossilize unless they are buried in a flood. They decompose or are eaten. The fact that there are billions of fossils in hundreds of sedimentary rock layers is a testament to the flood of Noah.

    Some scientists would say that this is ridiculous. They say that they can look at a dinosaur fossil and look at a living hummingbird and line up some bone fragments and prove that one turned into the other by subjectively lining up the bone fragments.

    As for me I would rather go with observable evidence than a fairy tail like that.

    Get the book. "In the beginning" by walt brown. You can buy it on used for pretty cheap. This will show you a lot of science on the flood geology. If you want to be truely scientific you will look at both sides and all evidence.

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