
What was your day like?

by  |  earlier

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With the kiddos?

I had a great day...went and saw my 11 day old twins in the NICU. Then I took my girls down to the beach, and we played in the waves, and built a *huge* sandcastle. And the hubby took the boys to Home Depot....And now I am making homemade Mac n' Cheese! =] What was your day like?





  1. ♥ Sounds like you had a great day! I'm glad the twins are doing better.

    Today I went shopping with my sister in law, niece, and nephew and my daughter. It was pretty fun and my daughter and my niece were dressed like twins.

    I am making cheese sticks for me to eat. :D

  2. "kiddos" who says that anymore...

  3. My day so far is okay - i'm at work, so missing my kiddies like crazy. Cant wait to go home and be with them!! They're always the highlight of my days

  4. Today we stayed at home. After breakfast, I took the 4 year olds, my 14 year old daughter, and our newly adopted triplets (3 months) in the backyard by the pool. They swam and played in the yard. The older kids actually went in the baby pool (which they hate) with the infants rather than the in-ground pool. Then we had a 'picnic' on the sun porch (a little cooler than outside for the babes). Now we are inside, the babies are napping, toddlers are coloring, and my teenager is at a friend's house.

  5. it was a joyous day. i have been constipated for 4 days and today i let loose. AMEN

    joy to the world, i lost 28 lbs

  6. ummmm boring

    no one was home :9

  7. At first I planned to write what a bad day I had with all the things that went wrong. But I decided to focus on what was good yesterday! (it's morning here now)

    Firstly my painter is nearly finished painting our new house.

    My 2.5 year old and I baked muffins.

    My 9.5 year old won an award at school.

    My 12 year old got accepted into the private school he wanted to go to.

    And my husband finished off my day with a great relaxing massage.

  8. I took my kiddo to the beach and we had a blast!!

  9. My day.. was... lonely -_- I have no one to hang out with in the summer because my friends like 1/2 hour away.

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