
What was your worst nightmare?

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What was your worst nightmare?




  1. There were these things in the house. My little brother was in a bed hiding. He said, "come over here sister!" But I hid in the bathroom instead. When the monsters were gone, I went into the bedroom, and my brother was dead. The things had tentacles and multiple eyes.

  2. I LOVE nightmares, so it was a great experience for me, so it was my..... best nightmare?? Because I enjoyed it?? Anyways.....

    I was sitting on a chair. A wooden chair, in and dark, empty room. I was just sitting there, doing nothing. A phone rang, somewhere, and it stopped almost right away.

    Someone stepped into the room, and it was me!!! I looked down at my hands, and they were mine, but then I looked up and I saw the NOTME smiling at the REALME!!

    So, I got pretty freaked out, but she said something to me, I can't remember what it was, and I sort of relaxed. Someone else stepped from behind me, and the NOTME's face got all terrified and horrorstruck. She screamed, so I turned around, and there was this guy there. He was pretty normal looking, not creepy or anything, but in my dream I knew he was a serial killer. He had this gun, and he shot us, boh the REALME and the NOTME.

    So I was passed out, and I sort of floated around, watching the killer put ME and NOTME into this container. It was vacuumsealed. I knew that dream-logic doesn't make sense, but in my dream I didn't realize it was a dream.

    So then I woke up, and I was back in my body, and so was NOTME. We were in this container, and when we looked out this little circular window I saw dirt. Lotsa dirt.

    AH WE WERE BURIED!!!!......

    Then I woke up.

    My dreams never make much sense, I know. Especially ones involving NOTME, who has reappeared and talks to me in my dreams......

    I should visit a psychiatrist, shouldn't I???

  3. The destruction of earth

  4. i have lots of nightmares but i like them heres my best one. it midnight i was running through the woods everything was bloodstained trees, grass, flowers, and me. i kept looking back and saw shadows chasing me then one of them jumped from a tree above me and i passed out when i (awoke) i was floating in the darkness, i walked around trying to find anything but found nothing so i ended up curling up as if i were going to sleep and started crying and then i woke up.

  5. i was watching tv when i heard something, i was home alone too, i went in the washroom and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Then i continued watching tv and heard in again, it sounded like footsteps, but they werent from the ground. I looked up and saw this guy crawling on the ceiling, i yelled, and he twisted his head around and stared at me, then his eyes went red and he jumped down on me, then i woke up

  6. That I am still married to my ex-wife

  7. My family got killed and then the killer tried to kill me, but he missed. (he was using a gun)

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