
What will I need for Germany?

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I am going to Germany from June 10 to July 3rd as an exchange student. I speak german so I will be fine in that regard, however, I don't know much about life in the country overall. What will I need to bring with me (other than the obvious travel stuff- passport, clothes, tooth brush, etc), and is there anything I should be careful of? Or anything else you can think of that I should know?




  1. a camera for sure and something to read on the right over and back little over 3 wks is not a long time to carry so much stuff be European for a bit bring a ruck sack and some euros should about cover it.

  2. Electrical adapters for sure, you can get one for like $10 at wal mart though.  also, if you are going to southern germany, like south of Stuttgart, be aware that many older germans speak schaebisch.  even if you know german it is very hard to understand them sometimes.  but you will get used to it after a few weeks.  also be aware that in your home germans generally always keep doors closed.  so just because the bathroom door is closed doesnt mean somebody is in there.  just walk up to it and knock or try and the handle and if its locked you know somebody is in there.  also turn out your light when you leave the room.  they all drink carbonated mineral water, and even if you try its hard to get used too.  the normal bottled water is also all mineral water so it tastes a little strange to those who arent used to it.  try some of the many different beverages they have, like mezzo mix.  (its just a mix of coca cola and orage fanta, but its fantastic!)  if you ask for just water at a resturant, it will be carbonated and they will charge you for it.  also germans love flowers, so if you buy some at the airport or bahnhof on your way in to give to your host family, they will be surprised and very happy, and there is always tons of flower shops.

  3. Everything you get in the US you get in Germany. So you should bring only stuff you think you really NEED.

    Maybe prescription medicine (enough for the trip, as it is else a bit expansive getting them in Germany, depending on you health cover). English books are easy and everywhere available also all types of music etc. As you may be walking a lot (Wandern or sight seeing) a pair of convy shos would be a good idea....

    It'll be warm to hot in that time of the year, but you still should bring at least one Jumper. especially if your on the coast or in the mountains.

    For Andrew L:

    You bring that along and you end up in Jail very fast….German don’t take that kind of s**t lightly.

  4. Don't forget converters and adapters for any electrical items.  I had a battery charger thing and it was suppose to work in Europe but i forgot they have round indented outlets so American plug-ins don't work there. Make sure you try a Doener.  They are so good.

  5. dont forget there are restrictions on the amount of liquids that can be carried in hand luggage, look it up before you go!

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