
What will a person do if.....?

by  |  earlier

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they are allergic to anesthesia but need a surgery?

my friends sister just got surgery, and she was released, but she was throwing up all night because of the anesthesia. What will she do if she needs another surgery. Just get sick again?




  1. it is normal to throw up after general anesthesia..... but if it was real bad dr. shud b informed their r different ways also... local anesthesia... hypnotherapy, accupuncture ect.... world doesnt end ....... if u need operation dr. guide u best...

  2. I don't want to sound rude or anything, but didn't the doctors check her up again and I don't know---see what could possibly be done about it? But I'm not a doctor/nor do I have an experience but yeah. All I can say is hopefully she won't need to do surgery again and I hope she feels better. :) But if---maybe you can ask the doctors what could be done. :D

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