
What will her title be?

by Guest62307  |  earlier

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What would HRH The Duchess of Cornwall be called during a supposed reign of Prince William of Wales?




  1. As the consort and wife of the Prince of Wales, Camilla legally holds the title and technical rank of Princess of Wales. Due to the fact that this style is so strongly associated with the late Diana, Princess of Wales, she elects, with the Queen's permission, to use the feminine form her husband's subsidiary title, Duke of Cornwall, rather than Princess of Wales. Clarence House has indicated that when Charles accedes the throne it is intended that she will use the title HRH The Princess Consort and as king's wife, she will legally be queen, regardless of whether she uses that title or not.

    However, if Prince Charles decides to abdicate and let Prince William claim the throne, he and Camilla might take on the title Duke and Duchess of Windsor, a title specially created for his great uncle Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, when he abdicate to marry the twice divorce Wallis Simpson. This title has been extinct since his death in 28 May 1972 and he had no heir to inherit this royal duchy title.

  2. possibly the Dowager Duchess, or the Dowager Princess.  She is not the Princess of Wales, due to various religious & political arrangements at the time of her wedding to Prince Charles.  Morganic, perhaps?  She is not supposed to be referred to as the Queen or Queen-Consort if/when Charles takes the throne for the same reason, though people will probably do so in informal or more casual references because that's what we are used to.

    "The Prince of Wales and Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles were married on 9 April 2005 in a civil ceremony at the Guildhall, Windsor.

    A service of prayer and dedication was held afterwards in St George's Chapel, Windsor.

    After the ceremony, Mrs Parker Bowles became known as HRH The Duchess of Cornwall.

    It is intended that The Duchess of Cornwall will use the title HRH The Princess Consort when The Prince of Wales accedes to the throne."

  3. Britain does not recognise morganatic marriges  and the wife of the King has always been the Queen. Tradition is very strong on this point, all six of Henry VIII's wives had the title "Queen". "Princess Consort" is a cop out to placate the Diana mafia. Camilla will be entitled to the title "Queen" and good luck to her if she uses it. It would take an Act of Parliament to prevent it if she and Charles wanted to use it.

    If Charles dies after he has been crowned while Camilla is still alive, Camilla will keep all her titles if William is unmarried. When William marries or if he is already married, Camilla will become the Dowager Queen/Princess/Duchess - whatever they decide.

    The title Queen Mother was created for Queen Elizabeth, the wife of George VI, because when George VI died, his mother, Queen Mary was still alive and held the title Queen Dowager. Had Queen Mary been dead, the Queen Mother would have had the title Queen Dowager.

  4. I am assumming HRH William of wales being king?

    she would retain her title (NOT HRH) But Duchess of Cornwall.

    she's not an HRH as she is devorced from her former husband.

    if charles is king she will be the Duchess of Lancaster which is one of the titles of HRM King George V11 which HRH will be known as.

    so there you go people. I am 100% right on this.

  5. If HRH The Duchess of Cornwall is alive when the present Prince William is King, it will ONLY be because Prince Charles has died. She will therefore be the Dowager Duchess of Cornwall, irrespective of whether or not there is a new Duke of Cornwall, and of whether he has a Duchess, and of the fact that - unlike other Dowager Duchesses - she would be unrelated to the new Duke.

    She would not be the Queen Mother, for two reasons, first because she would not be the mother of the new monarch, and second because she has chosen not to be called Queen while her husband is the monarch.

    Of course, she could have any title at all which she wished, if the new monarch was willing to award it to her and Parliament agreed, so she might be called something that nobody has thought of yet.

  6. bejeweled b*tch

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