
What will keep you awake tonight ?

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What will keep you awake tonight ?




  1. absolutly nothing ...once my head is down , lights are out man!

  2. Caffeine

  3. my 1 year old daughter (has not been sleeping so great lately) and my pregnancy that has made me feel sick since the beginning!

  4. what i've just reliazed i've been doing since i was three!

  5. It's the last night of summer.


  6. thinking about going to the dentist in the morning!!! I have to get a tooth pulled and I know it will hurt!!!!

  7. My baby girl had her first needles, so she is not feeling too great.  I'm sure we will be up most of the night.

  8. my 10 month old son has a really really bad cold :(  so his coughs and sniffles will keep me up wondering if he is ok. and my hubby started nights so him not being home makes it hard to sleep sound as well.  

  9. A little bitty person kicking my insides

  10. mistakes ive made and how to not make them again

  11. ...that I won't wake up next to him.

  12. that's easy,. boy friend, caffeine and good shows on TV

  13. haha, being on here and answering questions instead of trying to sleep while my daughter sleeps

  14. anime, manga, my brother, parents, scary things, and ect

  15. Answering all these questions so I can get enuf points to ask my own =)

  16. The talent show that starts at midnight...oh, orientation week.

  17. Probably my Xbox 360 along with Madden 2009!!

    Need I say more!!

  18. my missing digital camera. I am freaking out about it. When any stress happens during the day it keeps me up all night. Thank god for this computer and yahoo answers other wise i would be tearing my house apart looking for the camera for the millionth time today!

  19. School home work // Conversations on AIM // I'm not a good sleeper

  20. school and arguments w/ my friends

  21. I'm sick and my nose is congested :( My son might wake me up a good bit by the time I am able to sleep :D

  22. Worrying about a pre-employment medical I have to take on Wednesday for my dream job.  Been feeling under the weather lately.  

  23. I'll be doing homework and talking to my favorite guy :)

  24. My ammunition stockpile has dropped below 5000 rounds.

  25. On this stupid addicting website...and and :S  

  26. MUSIC

  27. Baking a cheesecake for my mom's birthday tomorrow. Also, laundry and if my baby girl wakes up... again. I need some sleep!!

  28. Worrying about my son starting kindergarten on Wed and how he will do with that

  29. Nothing.  I plan on climbing into bed in about 20 minutes, snuggling up to daddy and baby, and sleeping until my alarm goes off in the morning.  

    Well, maybe daddy's snoring will keep me awake.

  30. Nothing much!

  31. Most likely my daughter Julianne if anything....she is 13 1/2 months and has been having issues with gas at night. Wakes her up and then she cries until she either gets it out or poops for Mommy! We have been giving her gas drops and trying to burp her after her bedtime sippy of PediaSure but she is still having major issues the poor girl! Hopefully tonight will be better for her!  

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