
What wine goes with salmon?

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I am serving Salmon wrapped in bacon with a side of grilled asparagus,

what wine would you preffer?




  1. I'd go with Pinot should enhance the flavor of your meal.  Pinot Noir is a smooth silky red wine that is extremely fruity. It is characterized with aromas and flavors of black cherry or rose petals along with hints of spiciness or herbal qualities. Pinot Noirs are enjoyed for their soft velvety texture. High in alcohol, they are full bodied but not heavy.

  2. Most fish is strickly white wine.  However, many salmon dishes go well with red or white.  If you go white only go with somehting dry (Riesling).  SInce it is wrapped in bacon and you have a strong veggie I owuld go with a red, a simple red, pinot noir or merlot.  

  3. I'm a red wine drinker, except with salmon and tuna.

    my choice would be a New York Sate dry Riesling.

    If you prefer red try a light red like Pinot Noir or a fruity red like Beaujolais

  4. Really dry whites are best with a powerful seafood like salmon. Try Sauvignon Blanc or a French Chablis. Something very pale with good acids and not too much overt fruit. A youngish wooded Chardonnay would also go well.

    If you choose the Sav Blanc chill it really well. It benefits from being served well chilled.

    Your more luxurious option is a great champagne (or sparkling). Try a Brut Cuvee or even a brut de brut if you like very dry wine and are going  for something which will really stand out from the crowd. Australian and New Zealand wines are superb and represent very  good value for money.

  5. Because you have bacon wrapped around the fish, I reccomend an off-dry Riesling. Chateau Ste. Michelle makes a good example.

    The slight sweetness of the wine will foil the salt and smokiness of the bacon.

    Should be delicious!

  6. The white wine with fish idea only applies to light white fish, not heavier, oilier fish like salmon.

    Pinot Noir is a classic pairing with both Salmon and Bacon - so it's perfect for your meal.

  7. Man that sounds good. You want a lighter wine with fish, the above suggestions are good ones. A rose wine would be fine (sweetish but not super sweet), or a medium white. Reisling would be great.

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