
What woman do you highly admire?

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I admire Maya Deren. At at time when women were discouraged from being (or couldn't be) a director/filmaker, Maya Deren was "the mother of American underground cinema."




  1. Margaret Brent. she marched in on that Maryland assembly and spoke her mind way back in 1744.  A long time before feminism,and, or the term was first coined. She did that back in a time where we have been led to believe a wife so as much looked the wrong way at her husband she was killed.  

  2. My mother and grandmother

  3. Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

    Jane Austen, author

    Dame Agatha Christie, author

    ♥ ∞

  4. Both of my grand mothers.  

  5. I admire Laura Bush because she is awesome!

    EDIT @ Crouching Doggie: Awe! Thanks! (((Hugs)))

  6. As far as gender issues go, Erin Pizzey. See her dealing here with notorious feminist legal judge Vera Baird:

    In general, women like Marie Curie (radiation research).

  7. Outside of some of the women in my family, I'll go with Mother Teresa.  

    Well, there are others, but I'm too lazy to type them all out right now.

  8. Erma Bombeck! : )

    She was hilarious.

  9. My grandmother (may she rest in peace), she had a career back when women were being forced to stay home, she was a mother and a working woman before such a person was accepted, she was a woman's rights activist and had the strength to stand up to her abusive husband no matter how much people kept telling her she should submit to him.

    She was a strong woman even when women were expected to be submissive, she was NEVER submissive.

  10. My great grandmother.

    While she died when I was still pretty young I remember her being about the kindest person you could hope to meet. Nobody had a bad thing to say about her, she was a down to earth, no-nonsense kind of person who showed love and respect to everyone. Wish there were more people who could be like her.

  11. My dad. Always, for a while I thought a real man was everything he was but then I found out that people didn't like that I define what a real man should be. Wasn't intentional, I just thought my dad was one of the best men on earth. Now I don't do that.

  12. Excluding the fantastic women in my life, I've always enjoyed Jane Austen because of her biting social commentary of the time period in which she lived in.

    Princess Grace Kelly, for her poise, elegance, grace and compassion. She was a talented actress, a devoted wife and mother.

    As princess, she was active in improving the arts institutions of Monaco, and eventually the Princess Grace Foundation was formed to support local artisans. She was one of the first celebrities to support and speak on behalf of La Leche League, an organization that advocates breastfeeding; she planned a yearly Christmas party for local orphans, and dedicated a Garden Club that reflected her love of flowers.

    Jane Addams who became involved in wider efforts for social reform, including housing and sanitation issues, factory inspection, rights of immigrants, women and children, pacifism and the 8-hour day. She served as a Vice President of the National Woman Suffrage Association from 1911-1914.

    Princess Diana for her poise, grace, elegance and compassion as well.

    Diana worked particularly for the Red Cross and campaigned to rid the world of land mines. Her work was on a humanitarian rather than a political level. She pursued her own interests in philanthropy, music, fashion and travel.

    Jane Goodall who is an English UN Messenger of Peace, primatologist, ethologist, and anthropologist. She is well-known for her 45-year study of chimpanzee social and family interactions in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania, and for founding the Jane Goodall Institute.

    Although I'm not particularly religious I do admire Mother Teresa for her amazing humanitarian Calcutta and throughout India.

    Maria Mitchell, taught by her astronomer father, was the first professional woman astronomer in the United States and became a professor of astronomy at Vassar College (1865-1888). She was the first woman member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1848), and was president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

    She was also involved in the anti-slavery movement. She refused to wear cotton because of its connection with slavery in the South, a commitment she continued after the Civil War ended. She also supported women's rights efforts and traveled in Europe.

  13. Hmm... Joan of arc. She felt strongly about God and country and led the french army's to victory against the English at a time when the idea of equal rights was non existent.

    Elizabeth the Great. What can one say? Leaders like that only come around once a hundred years if your lucky.

      Sarah Palin though I think could be another great leader.

           Zero tolerance for corruption is admirable and she appears to be a very effective leader. I hope McCain picks her for the VP spot.

    So if your a Republican make sure to email McCain about that(non republicans can do that too)

  14. I admire my grandmother. She's 89 and has raised three kids, took care of my grandfather for 13 years until his death in 1988, and while raising her third child she was stricken with smallpox which left her unable to walk. She also had German Measles.

    She's a survivor that's for sure! She said on her 87th birthday, "I'm for abortion, I'm for g*y marriage and I am liberal!"

    Then she had a margarita. Just one. That's all she ever has. :)

  15. My Mum, Grandma, Angelina Jolie, Beatrix Potter, Austin sisters, Bronte sisters, Daphne Du Maurier, sufforegettes (spelling), Jeniffer Tilly.

  16. Marie Curie

    Alice B. Gottlieb, MD, PhD

    Ann Porlow, MD

    Ellen Harris, PhD

    Joyce Kerrington, MD, JD

    Paris Hilton

    Mariah Carey

    Scarlett Johannsen (?sp)

    (And Proud, how can I not admire Proud)?

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