
What would Near do....?

by Guest33076  |  earlier

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How do you think Near from 'Death Note' would react if he was told that he was going to be a father? I think he would be kind of pissed off. What do you think?




  1. I think the poor guy would be confused!!! He's so young! I think he's ten! (....I haven't read the manga in a long time, so sue me >8C)

    One thing is for sure, the baby MUST have his WHITE HAIR AND/OR BRAINS 8D

  2. I doubt that Near would ever be able to find a suitable companion for himself [or that he would even want to] but if he did, and if she got pregnant, then I could imagine Near feeling a little betrayed at the least. I'm sure he would make it absolutely clear beforehand that he can not/does not want to have children so if his partner turned up pregnant even after all of the precautionary measures were put into place then he would have no choice but to assume that she did it on purpose.  I can see him seriously regretting his decision to become sexually active and depending on how strong their relationship is, I think he would either opt for an abortion or send the lady away to raise the baby by herself because I just don't think that he would allow himself to get emotionally attached to something that would require constant protection from the outside world. I think he has a hard enough time keeping his own identity secret and he's far too lazy and selfish to put forth the effort of doing that for someone else.

  3. He would investigate, and feel all sorts of different emotions


    there was only one person who said he was young lol

    and you said..People ..I knew he wasn't that young

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