
What would make me anti-social?

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I'm 15 years old and I am completely anti social. I never like to meet any of my school friends outside of school, unless I have to for a group project. I feel like everyone in my high school is going to end up failing at life because they do poorly at school, they only care about losing their virginity before 18, trying pot, skateboarding, and video games.

My life is completely different. I am always in the house unless I am going to school or maybe some very rare occasion. This summer I spent every single day inside watching TV and honing my programming skills. Over the past few years, my isolation has earned me knowledge in several different computer programming languages, which I am proud of.

When I am outside in public, I hate it. I feel like everyone is judging me. I just want to be alone all the time.

Now don't get me wrong, I like being alone. I really like living in isolation for 10 hours per day until my parents come home. And I even enjoy it when they're here. But I've noticed that every other kid my age is outside all the time having fun with friends, and I don't want to be like them. Is something wrong with me?




  1. Just be yourself.  If you like being alone it is fine.  I can't help but think that you might enjoy having friends with similar interests to hang out with once in awhile, not every day or anything just occassionally.  Chances are you will not work completely alone when you are an adult and you will need to be able to cope with being around others at least part of the time.

  2. No, there isn't anything wrong with you. You aren't doing anything wrong or bad or that could hurt you or someone else. And as long as you aren't doing anything like that, it's always OK to do something different that what 'everyone else' is doing.

  3. my goal is to be an immature child.

    i do immature things and watch immature movies, such as kinky boots, the sasquatch gang, and the hottie or the nottie (including paris hilton)

    you should check those movies out to bring out the dear immature child in yourself. thank you.

    if you choose to be a crossdresser in life, so be it.

    if you choose to be g*y, alright! im proud of my fellow g**s.

    just be yourself. and immature.

    paris hilton is a great actress. i really do love michael jackson.

  4. Your not doing anything wrong. Just be yourself. I act like that to sometimes. I see some people from my school walking or going to the park. But I just go with my family to play tennis. So your not the only one who acts like that. But if my friends want me to go somewhere with them I will. So its okay. But you need to socialize more.

  5. It's great that you really care about school, but make time for friends............... what's the point of working hard for something if you can't enjoy it with the people around you. :)

  6. I was very similar as a teenager.  I enjoyed being alone, reading, watching tv, taking walks...  When I was at school I had friends, but I never really hung out with any of them outside of school.  I felt like I was more mature then they were and was more concerned about my future.  I just didn't feel like I had much in common with other kids my age, I felt more comfortable with adults.  But I turned out fine. :-)  

    In my opinion if you are happy the way you are and are living your life the way you want then don't be worried.  Some people are extroverts and others are introverts.  Now social interaction is important as you get older to make contacts and within the work place.  But, I don't think there is anything wrong with you.  

  7. Bipolar disorder will cause this as well. You could be severely depressed? Go see a doctor.

  8. If you are a happy, well adjusted person, with no tendencies toward depression or suicide then why not be happy with the way you are? As long as you are not cutting off all relationships with everyone then be as alone as you want. Not everyone is a social butterfly, I know I would rather be by myself or with the few people I want in my world, than to be out every second, but that's just the way I am and I am happy. I have never had the feeling that everyone is judging me, but I really wouldn't care if they were. So be it. The only thing i can see that would bother me about your attitude is that you seem to feel superior toward other people. You said that you don't like feeling like people are judging you, well, remember that goes both ways. Just live and let live and the world will keep going around. Hope I helped some.   :)

  9. I wouldn't say that something is wrong with you, but I would say that you may want to get out into the real world and socialize. If you're worried about your future/goals/studies/whatever, socializing is one way you could enhance your mind even further. Not to mention that by studying and trying to learn all the time, you're burning up the only time of youth you will ever have.

    Personally, I guess you could say that I'm like most teenagers. However, that's not ALL "some", I'm stereotyping here, of "us" care for. I, as well as 5 of 7 of my closest friends, take all honors classes, and we all care about our grades, GPAs, and what we learn. (we're all 15 and 16- sophomores/juniors). Some of us have boyfriends/girlfriends, and not all are what you would probably call "innocent". But that doesn't mean that we are on a goal to lose our virginity by the time we're eighteen; we're just trying to live a little. Like many, we go to parties, hang out, go to the movies, etcetera; on the other hand, we know when we must do our studies/academics and still make time for our extra curricular activities (band, softball, cheerleading, football, track).

    My advice to you would be to join a club, maybe dealing with academics, like Beta, Student Council, or the Year Book Staff. This way, you're interacting with people, making friendships, and still learning/doing what you like to do.

  10. OMG i feel the exact same way as you message me. im 16.

  11. it's your choice.  

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