
What would u prefer???????

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(need this poll- survey for a class debate competition)




  1. Democracy!  Although I have never lived under a Dictatorship I believe  living under the Bush agenda for 7+ years must be somewhat close to a dictatorship and it has been terrible. It may take a dictatorship to get us out of some of the problems the Bush administration and the Democratic and Republican Senators who allowed him to run his office like a dictator has got us into. We saw it coming but Congressmen and Senators were too gutless to initiate impeachment. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeldt and Rice should all have been removed from office so Amer ca could tell the world we do not condone the type of leadership that bunch displayed.

  2. Democracy of course. But it's hard for humans to live up to this ideal.  

  3. personally i would like democracy but since MOST OF US (including me) are not taking our responsibilities as good citizens, then for the country's sake..i'll prefer dictatorship.. sometimes we need an IRON HAND to be disciplined..

  4. DEMOCRACY! if u want a dictatorship, go somewhere else

  5. Neither!

    Dictatorship is not an option.  Democracy would be nice but totally unpractical.  That is why our founding fathers created a Republic (I hope your teacher knows that).  They did not think much of the "unwashed masses" (common foke) voting so they put in some good rules to limit the vote to citizens, land holders literate persons etc.  Most of those old rules have been removed and just about any fool can vote!  But the one thing that has survived is the electoral college.  It has done it's job of preventing a good looking speech giver to become President. It has saved the Republic a number of times!

  6. While Democracy has good points in a Dictatorship a person could make people give up their automobiles and end Global Warming by using police and military force. Still to have democracy but have citizens demolish the problem would be better. Also another point having elections does not make a democracy. Need everyone in on it to work. Or to survive.

  7. Democracy. But alas, me country seems need a bit Dictatorship right now, hope not off course :)

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