
What would you die from first?

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if you get your ribs/lungs ripped out..

would your heart get ripped out too?

and what would you die from first::

Shear pain/shock trauma..


Loss of Blood..




  1. You wouldn't die of pain/shock trauma - the worst thing that could happen is that you go unconsious or on a coma.

    I'd go with suffocation because you just don't get oxygen. And if the brain doesn't get it for just some little time, you'd die right away.

    Losing blood is fast but it depends how fast you're losing you're blood....I mean, if it's a huge gash in an artere in you're neck that would defienetly take about 1 second for you to die...

  2. you cant die of pain its just a feeling you would probably bleed to die instantly

  3. No, your heart would stay intake. You'd die from lack of breathing though. And suffocation, you can't hold your breathe very long. Hope this helps!

  4. The main things people die from on todays battlefields including all your overseas wars are blood loss, untreated shock and pneumothorax. Shock which is defined as inadequate tissue perfusion. This is usually caused by blood loss but there are 4-5 more kinds of shock not related to volume problem. The pneumothorax won't be a problem cause the lungs were kind of missing so.... Loss of blood and shock. Not awe/shock but tissue perfusion style shock

  5. shock trauma

  6. Trauma arrest.. the heart would just stop

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