
What would you do if...??

by  |  earlier

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you found $140,000 in unmarked bills??

here is the news story:

i would have kept that money!! are you kidding me?! UNMARKED bills! forget it! and all they gave him for a reward was $2,000?? WHAT!!

what about you guys??




  1. So you would keep it would you...well that just shows that Eli Estrada has more character, integrity and morals in his little finger than you do in the whole of your body.  

    And to answer as to what I would do...I would have handed it in without evening thinking of a reward...yes's the way I was brought up.  I would rather be less well off and honest , than to be richer and a thief....and I also wouldn't be spending the rest of my life looking over my shoulder...

  2. Well goin thru d stry..wat mr.estrada did z xactly wat i'll do. D choice 2 b made here depends on our point o' view. It wud hv been ok wid me jus 2 hv $2000. Bt my honesty n self respect would hv been wid me, coz i know that i'm not a part of any crime..n if d lady luck is wid u, just hope dat God will giv u sumthin better. N sum ppl who belive in honesty outta dere would definitely appreciate Mr.Estrada ideas.

  3. I would keep it! Sorry I am behind on my bills and I would take the damb money and run with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. uh wat i would do is i would go report it and if they cant find the person who lost it then i would keep it!

  5. I would return the money. You never know what it is earmarked for. It may be all that saves a family from being homeless, or keep a business from going under, or even to remodel a church. Honesty is always the best policy-reward or not!

  6. yep...keep it!

  7. keep it

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