
What would you do ???

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if you saw someone rooting through your rubbish for some food ?




  1. i would offer them food if they were that hungry its not nice to feel hungry.

  2. make them something to eat, wouldn't you???? lol, anyway Wife Swap rubbish was different from normal household rubbish Bex!

  3. Haaaa..haaaa...they wont find much food in my bin Bex....I dont tend to waste it....

  4. I would leave them too it lol,it depends on the actual situation I may offer them something but they might not want to talk to me so I might just leave them be lol.

  5. we are only allowed to put food in our 'green' bin which has grass cuttings and garden rubbish in so probably cat poo as well - they'd be welcome !

  6. tell em the misses made it soon off.

  7. If someone was desperate for food Bex I could not see them go hungry and would either cook them something or give them the money to buy food. x

  8. Make them something to eat.

  9. i'd join them

  10. I would offer them some food bex or give them a couple of pounds to buy some if they are that desperte to go round household rubbish.

    My sister said where she used to work a well known cake shop they threw away at end of day lots of food but they had a bin for it to go in and was collected by compnay and taken for the pigs to eat.

    I wonder how many are going to try what they did at M&S now lol

    Bex pmlrof for the section this has gone in Dinning out ha

  11. call the cops and tell them to get a job

  12. I would ask them to please stop and if they were that hungry give them some food to eat but not money.......I would also try to help them and direct them to local agencies that can assist them with their needs.

  13. i would feel bad first. then get them something decent to eat and maybe for tomorrow too

  14. If it was because they were freegans I'd chase them off with a baseball bat!  lol

    If it was someone who was down on their luck I'd like to think I'd make them something to eat too.

  15. the amazing thing about indonesia is that i never come across people doing stuff like that although indonesia is somewhat poor country at the moment. but it is very fertile.

    i guess i would give him/her some food if i saw someone doing such thing. it's not that i'm such a good person but that would be the nature of the people in Indonesia. you can ask for food and they will give you.

  16. Well as you know bex they'd be taking their life in their own fresh cooking is bad god knows what it's like if it's been the bin !!!

  17. i would pretend not to notice

  18. let themt they wouldnt find anything in there all our left over food goes to the dogs!
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