
What would you do..??

by Guest59594  |  earlier

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My partners family are quite traditional and I got alot of negative comments for finding out the s*x of my baby (I'm 30 weeks pregnant).. they got over that.. then I got negative comments for going to a private hospital when my partners aunty is a midwife at the public hospital (where I live there is only 1 public and 1 private)..

They have made other comments about young mums and unmarried mums (I'm 21 and were not married.. been together for 4 years though..).. and they always say "oh but not you two"

Its really irritating me.. and now they are making comments on names that arent so 'traditional' and we have chosen a name that isnt so traditional.. and it was actually my partners pick from my list of mixed names..

I just cant be bothered listening to their comments after the baby arrives and we announce his name..

(Name is Griffin David Patience - first, middle and surname)

What would you do..? Just ignore them..? (Its just so hard!)




  1. it's so frustrating having to deal with things like this when your pregnant, like you don't have enough to think about!

    My family were the same, i had my daughter when i was 21 and even though i was married, my family still went on about how we were too young etc.

    We even decided not to tell them the names we had chosen and told them fake ones as we didn't want them to say bad things about the names and ruin them for us.

    Once you have your baby it will put everything into perspective because you'll realize the important thing is making a loving environment in your own home with your own little family.

    Try and ignore them and  focus on relaxing and preparing for motherhood.

    All the Best xx

  2. i understand where you are coming from it must be very frustrating having those sort of comments at such a special time in your life. i would try to not listen to them to much. you should be working on concentrating on the birth of your baby that is the most important thing. good luck

  3. First off, your pregnant & things get to us women more easily when we are! But on the other hand, all the negative comments are pissing you off! Well then, you need to tell your boyfriend that he better deal with it & speak to them, or you are just going to go off. Either that or you will not be going there anymore with him! (Which I know will upset them with the baby coming soon & all.)  They need to be reminded obviously that this is YOURS & HIS baby, not THEIRS. I kept having issues here with my inlaws when my husband & I had our first baby together! I was pushed to the limit & I burst! I had to (not so nicely) firmly remind them, this is our baby & this is what WE want for the baby! Its also our choice when it comes to where we go to have the baby, what names we choose. I got told by my own mom no less, that when I picked the girls name, she said she didnt like it... so accomidating as I was that name I changed. But then I came up with a boys name & that one she didnt like & then said "Oh, my niece Cindy just had a boy & named him that!" I said "Well, I like this name & I picked it, so too bad! I changed one name for you, I am d**n well not going to change this one too. Besides, this is MY baby, & I have to live with the name I chose for him, NOT YOU!" She was stunned at first, but then she realized what I was saying... by the way it was a boy too. Then a few years later my sister chose the same girls name that I changed & now she has both of them for grandchildren! ha

    But seriously, he needs to tell his family that the criticism hurts your feelings & his. And that it makes you both not want to come around. Would they like to ruin the relationship they will have with this baby, by being negative!? Thats what really needs to be said. (Gently at that!)

    Hope this gave you a good laugh there & made you smile some! It's not easy ever!!! Just keep your chin up & congrats!!! By the way I like the name you picked, its not common, but not outlandishly weird!!! Take Care!!!

  4. No offence but s***w them!! its your and your boyfriends baby not theirs..theyr not the ones carrying friend once said "well i made him, and i carried him for 9 months so im gonna feckin name him what i want!!" about her baby and she did and everyone got over it and got on with their lives..

  5. I assume you live with the father of your unborn child, so in that case stop worrying about the family since you dont live with them and start enjoying the up coming birth of your baby...You should be excited and happy and not worrying about little things that arnt worth it. Its your and your partners baby and thats all that matters right now! Ignore them and they will get the message, after all that annoys people more than anything just ignoring them. I actually just agree with everything and therefore eventually they have nothing else to say !!! Im pretty good at it. My ex and i had this problem and i just acted like a i didnt give a c**p !! they got the message and became real nice to me, knowing they werent getting anywhere.

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