
What would you do??!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i like this guy and i have liked him for a long time now. and my friend knows that i like him. and she asked him out knowing that i liked him ALOT!! i dont know what to to about it though! that is why i need your help




  1. The first thing you should do is give your friend a lesson , take an iron pipe and beat 2 times ( do not Breeak any thing in her body or injure just a half violence beatig) then spit in her face then marry the man

  2. first of all cut your friendship with that *****, then talk to your boy and tell him what you feel you have nothing left to lose...  

  3. i dont think about such trivial things right now

    ill have to cross that bridge when i come to it i dont know how id react

  4. what the h**l she's obviously not a friend

  5. i think you should just go for it and ask him out.

  6. I agree that is not the action of a friend.

  7. my friend did the same thing but i got over it after a while i was soo mad but oh well

    she was probably jealous and maybe wanted to "prove" she is better than you

    wel guess wat.... she isnt! shes a jerk

    hope i helped good luck!

  8. did he say yes to her?? your friends a b****

    heres my advice:

    get nicer friends

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