
What would you do......?

by  |  earlier

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If you liked somebody and you were to afraid to tell them because you might think that they don't like you. What would you do?




  1. Be bold and speak to them....if you are observant, you will be able to notice their facial expressions, body language and eye contact--each of these can give away if they like you too.

    Or you can just have your best friend ask the person if they like you...flat out.

  2. i had a same incident in my life.

    u just be a good person in others sight and u will be liked not anly by her but by all.

    later she will be impressed and u will be happy with ur life

    and remember that dont be afraid of proposing.

  3. uhm.. talk to my friends on what are their opinions..

  4. Tell them!  When the feelings are there, it's worth the risk!

    ssıʞ ♥ kiss

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