
What would you do.............?

by  |  earlier

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If you were at the store and the cashier accused you of having a stolen debit card?

my mom went to the store and when she was paying with her debit card the thing didn't approve and the cashier accused my mom of having a stolen debit card, so my mom argued with her and told her that this is her debit card and showed her drivers license, my mom told her that she must be on something because her eyes were red, she knew that she was wrong because she just stood there and was all red, and embarrassed, then another lady came over and the card worked fine.

I wasn't there so the description isn't very good but when my mom told me the story she was pretty pissed, so i'm sure she was cussing the lady out because she is doing a job that she doesn't know how to do.

Just imagine how pissed you would be if some mexican lady accused you of having a stolen debit car and make a fool out of you in the store.




  1. probably on weed, the cashier

    but hey, who isnt?

  2. ytrh

  3. I would be pretty pissed off too...  some Croatian lady did the same thing to my mom... that sucks...

  4. I'd be pretty upset myself. Just because a card says it's declined does not make it stolen. I would've said something in anger too!

  5. I'd be pissed initially but I'd get over it throughout the day because I would realize that fuming over people like that isn't worth my time.

  6. Well if your mother provided her drivers license and the info matched up on both then I don't see what the problem was with accusing of stealing.

    I think this is a misunderstanding (happens to me all the time at my work) I'm sure it was something like the card was declined, the cashier declined her the sale and your mother flipped out and assumed that she was accusing her of stealing the card but in reality all the cashier was doing was her job. Not saying your mother is a liar or anything but this story just don't sound right. There is always two sides but of chorse you are going to side with your mother, I know I would.

    I also don't like the fact that you say "Some Mexican lady" because any white, black or asian person could do that too you know.

    "I am not trying to be racist but if seems that the mexican ladys never know what they are doing." Umm yeah that is being racist buddy sorry if that offends you.

  7. Id get really mad. I would scream my but off than tell her to go get the manager. When the manager came over worked fine I would scream at the cashier again. Then I would tell the manager exactly what happened and then never shop there again. I hav a bad temper.

  8. Yes, I would be upset, but what different did it make that she was Mexican???  

  9. i would just leave everything and walk out

    this person in the store maybe a new cashier

    so she does not know much.

    I as in a situation like that my self

    i used my card it did not work the cashier watched me funny i took out cash from my purse and paid

    when i finished i told the cashier is not everybody is thief she said she is just doing her job

    i said fine and walked out

  10. First of all, your problem is that a sales assistant was rude to your mother.  You should contact the store and seek an apology from the staff member in question.  You do not scream abuse at store staff.  Most of the time customer service problems are accidents, not acts of rudeness, like in this instance.  Abusing staff will get you nowhere.  In fact, abusing staff might get you arrested for threatening behaviour.  

    Her nationality has nothing to do with how well she does her job.  Unfortunately, rudeness trancends all cultures.

    I have worked in customer service.  It is fairly obvious from your remarks that you have not.  In this instance, a staff member was rude to you, and that is rare.  People make mistakes all the time at work, but it's only when you're behind a cash register that the public believes they have the right to abuse you.  I suggest you either seek an apology through a civil letter to the store, or get over it.  Abusing the store staff is not an appropriate method of dispute resolution.

  11. I'd cuss the cashier out.

  12. I would be mad of course but was it necessary to mention (what you assume to be) the cashier's race? That doesn't matter. What matters is that she came to an assumption about your mom the same way you did to her.

  13. Well perhaps the lady waiting on your mom made a mistake and when your mom yelled at her she made her cry and made her eyes red. Maybe your mom made a fool out of a poor new employee. By the way, what does the fact that the cashier was Mexican have to do with anything? Are your a racist?

  14. I'd run out of the store.

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