
What would you rate the Perseids?

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Last night I went out and had great dark clear skies. It was just after 2 a.m. and I saw about 14 in 10 minutes. I've seen better showers and was hoping for a better showing.

Have you gone out and looked? What did you think?




  1. I am too far south (in the Southern Hemisphere) to see much of these and anyway weather has been poor.

    However you may find the following of interest.

  2. Been under the clouds here in Iowa.  I am going out this evening since it has cleared now and see if I can spot some late evening Earth-grazers.  I want to try and wake up a couple of hours before sunrise to hopefully see a few meteors.

    The Perseids has got to be one of the best meteor showers.  

  3. I couldn't see anything from here in cloudy Wales, but as far as how would I rate it, I can't say - although, the BBC Sky At Night magazine (August 2008) has included the meteor shower in it's "50 Wonders You Must See Before You Die" list. So I'm guessing it must be pretty good. :)

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