
What would you say to orphans?

by Guest58795  |  earlier

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I need some good inspiring words for orphans to let them have some hope,some good advice to let them strong enough to face life with a smile.

The best ones,will get more than 10 points,let it be a surprise.




  1. you dont need word just get them to understand that somebody (you) will be thier 4 them no matter what happens

  2. I don't know in what situation or age group you are requesting this information.

    Hope?  Hope to be an Astronaut, a professional cook, what?  I'm sure they have hopes and dreams they would love to share with someone who would listen to them. Maybe some want to play pro-ball.  Who knows.  Let them share themselves with you.  Be a good listener.  

    Advice that will do them some good would go something like this:  It is important to invest in yourself starting now.  Don't be easy on yourself, make sure you go to school, work hard, get good grades, be smarter then other kids. You want those grades to bring you College grants!  You can have a good life but it all depends on how hard you are willing to work for it."

    Make them smile by telling them that just the short time you listened to them talking about themselves you could tell how smart they were. Mention their names and say something special about each one and how you know that this one has heart and that one has spunk how determined so and so is.  Recognize them as who they are give them confidence.

  3. I'm not even gonna try to understand how you guys feel. How it felt to be alone in the world, to be in a room full of people and feel like you're the only person in the room. Never able to feel the sweet hand of a mother or the hug of a father. I dont think i'll ever understand how you feel. But all I can say is this. Hope to free yourself. Dont look down, look up. Dont just say it, DO it. Yes, people may look at you different and hurt you, but dont worry. Everything will come through in the end and the universe will go in the right direction. Believe in your heart and seek to free yourself. Free yourself from this pain for in my eyes, you are a beautiful child with wings. Just fly, and do good things for in the end, you'll know.

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