
What would you say to this?

by  |  earlier

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if your bf/gf spouse, or what ever, said to you that there safety is more important then yours....what would you say? What would be going through your mind?




  1. Well I would expect my girlfriends safety to be more important then mine, As i think it is. But if a guy said that to his girlfriend then he isnt much of a man at all.

  2. I wouldn't say anything, I would be kinda hurt, but not really. I think everybody values their safety. But I think only people who truly care would choose your safety over theirs.

    Anyone who knows what they're talking about, answer my question please?;...

  3. I would think...

    "what a wangtastically ***** person."

  4. "Wow really? You care more about yourself than you care about me?"

    And make them feel really bad.

  5. I would say: "ohh is that so?  that's unfortunate isn't it?  Bye."  and then i will walk out the door.  

  6. an initail response would be...what the h**l??

    but then i guess it would have to depend on the situation our relationship was in and the actual situation that comment occured..

  7. well it depends like if you are a man and have a family I think that the woman's safety might be more important for if the man dies, I think a woman is a better choice to take care of the children and have a good home.

  8. i would knock the h**l outta him!!!

    ps: please answer my question [[anyone]];...

  9. i would smack her down then tell her go to h**l then brake her back then throw her in the fire burn her a littile bit then throw water on her then grab her bye the leg shove nettles in it then brake her kneecaps with a hammer! just a suggestion  

  10. leave

  11. I think you know what you would say.  I would be hurt and then I would realize that I don't want to be with someone who is this selfish...

    Not a great person in my opinion.

  12. I would throw her down a flight of stairs!

  13. That person thinks of themself before anyone else.  Not always a bad thing because in life you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of someone else.  If you are in danger you can put someone else in danger too.

    It just all depends on the context in which this conversation took place.  Based on the context you should be able to determine how to respond or what you may think of what was said.

  14. Your spouse, bf, gf means that you should jump off the cliff for him/her

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