
What would you surgest ? ?

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well for the past 3-4 months i have been feeling very depressed and well i am very paranoid all the time, and continuously worrying and have no self-esteem what so ever and even the simpleist tasks like going out i find very worrying and i am only young between 10 and 17 so i no theres all hormones and stuff but i don't think its that

so what i would like to ask is your opinion on situation and you suggestion please




  1. Of course there are hormones affecting your mood and feelings between the ages of 10 and 17.  That's when they're at their peak.  It wouldn't hurt to talk to a counselor or psychiatrist or even your family doctor.  They can help you with your feelings.  Don't be ashamed to ask for help.  You're at a difficult time in your life.  It will get better, though.  Hang in there.

  2. So do you know how old you are? 10-17 is a big gap.

    You have something on your mind, depending o your age, this might be the will/desire to look attractive towards the opposite s*x or indeed the same s*x.

    You are most likely to have experienced a bad thing that now affects you. I tcould be lodged deep in you subconcious.

    Be care ful if you want to let out such stuff  

  3. i think yu should go out more and have fun with yur friends! Dont let depression take over yu cuz den yur life will grow short and boring

  4. uh idk because ive been feeling the same way o.O

  5. There's an imbalance in your hormones, causing you to be depressed... you might want to see a doctor about that and get some anti-depressants (those will aid with ur paranoia and low self-esteem)

  6. Maybe you just feel overwhelmed being in a country where you do not speak the language,  

  7. I suggest that you speak with your parents and have them set up an appointment with your family physician to determine whether it is hormones or an underlying medical condition.  Your Dr. may also recommend a Psychiatric evaluation.  

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