
What you blame or regret about?

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  1. I have nothing to blame but I regret messing up my credit.

  2. Nothing. I don't Believe in "baggage". Life is Hard, -so I Travel "Light...."  :)

  3. I blame myself and American culture for letting me stay on the computer answering silly questions, you sill wabbit!  I so regret this.

  4. I blame myself for the rest of my life is being given my chance to become an Australian citizen. My true brother sponsored me to work in his restaurant in Australia for two years. If I were smart enough, I would have given up this sinful city, Hong Kong and would have accepted my brother Gould Sin who was very willing to sponsor me to migrate to Australia. Unfortunately, he had died in the 1998. And my dream of living and working in Australia is far better than living and working in Hong Kong have been vanished forever. I will have no pension in Hong Kong just like more than one million senior citizens in Hong Kong. Many of them are living in the livelihood as a dog's life. I will have a very hard life in Hong Kong but fortunately my wife and two kids are living in China where the cost of living standard is not even 1/5 as costly as the Hong Kong's. I was just a stupid Hong Kong a*****e all my life. Why the hack i choose to live in this most polluted and nothing viable city.

  5. Not finishing college.

  6. i regret nothing

  7. I  hate  to  see  what  is  happening  to  America.  Our  Public  schools  and  our  youth.  The  corrupt  Judges  across  our  country  and  the  "do  nothing  Congress."  The  crooked  politicians.  America  is  on  the  decline.  The  soft  p**n  shown  in  movies  and  on  TV.  I  seldom  go  out  to  see  a  movie  anymore...  I  am  too  embarrassed  and  have  to  get  up  out  of  my  seat  and  walk  out.  It  saddens  me  that  the  elite  Media  is  so  fascinated  'n  biased   with  Obama.  Social  Security  has  run  out.  Ppl.  in  emergency  rooms  needing  medical  attention,  die  while  waiting  to  see  a  doctor.  

    Abortion  is  being  used  as  a  means  of  birth  control.  s*x  education  is  doing  more  harm  than  good.  Children  are  having  children.  Our  young  ppl  have  no  morals,  live  to  get  drunk  or  high  on  drugs,  no  scruples,  and  will  have  s*x  with  anyone  who  comes  along.  Couples  live  together  until  they  get  tired  of  each  other,  then  shuffle  around  and  move  in  with  someone  else.  A  "Fruit  Basket  Turn Over"  game  of  sorts,  you  might  say.  Yes,  America  is  on  the  decline.  It's  difficult  to  find  a  politically  incorrect  church  even.  They  all  want  to  be  p/c.  Tsk...

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