
What you know about Brazil?

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What you know about Brazil?




  1. prbly cool

  2. the first person that answer is ignorant

    my goddd

    i dont believe in this ****

    look at this site

    and you will read more and see some pictures

    and know about the places in brazil

    for example

    sao paulo is almost like new york

    miami is almost like the north of brazil

    the south of brazil is like swiss  

  3. This question is really hard to answer for its complexity, but we are number 6 in the world in power parity, which means we like consuming a lot. But I have to apologize to you because what I really want is to answer back what this person on the post above put there!  Well, it is a pity people believe in everything they see on tv. Much of what one sees or hears there does not represent much of the truth. Take American people for instace, it is widely believed in many countries, not only in Brazil, that the highest percentage of mentally disturbed individuals in the world reside among americans - and why? Because we freguently see on tv news dramatic stories of teenagers carrying guns into their middle schools and shooting their mates' brains out for no reason. It was also said last year by a Portuguese broadcast enterprise - I was there and saw it - that the the widest pedophilia net of our planet was found in USA, within mainly american people members - does this mean I should be afraid of any american male adult approaching my daughter? If I move to US, should I also send my son to school wearing a bullet proof outfit once american youth is compound of freaks...?! Are these cruel, absurd stereotypes of the a people, based solely on isolated facts, or the bare truth? You can now try to answer your question!

  4. Brazil is republic discovered by Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500, it was cologne of Portugal till 1822, when it get your independence. In the periode of 1822 to 1889, Brazil a kingdom , governed by Dom Pedro I and Dom Pedro II. In 1889 was declared the republic by Deodoro da Fonseca, that age is known such as "Old Republic. In 1930, Getúlio Vargas came to power through a coup d'état, his government his government lasted until 1945, when he pressed by USA resigned from office. In 1964 a military dictatorship was established through a coup d'état dictatorship that lasted until the election of Trancredo Neves in 1985. From 1985 until today the country lives one of the most vigorous democracies of Latin America.

    The system of government is a presidential republic and the constituon is and the constitution is 1988.o current president is called Luis Inacio da Silva. The country has 26 states and a Federal District and its capital is Brasilia. The official language is the protugues and the majority of the population is Catholic.

  5. I know that Brazilian guys are passionate and GOSTOSO !!!!!!

  6. I know that the overwhelming majority of Brazilians live just like the people you see in this rap video.

    That is the real Brazil right there, 90% of Brazilians live that harsh reality.

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