
What your reaction would've been?

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Yesterday I was standing in line at the grocery store. The lady behind me grabbed a magazine with Ellen DeGeneres wedding picture on the cover and started showing it to everyone saying things like "Can you imagine?... How does that happen?..." Anyway, I just made a helpless gesture and didn't get mixed up in this talk. But people's reaction all together was "What's wrong with you, lady?"....

Would you say anything if it happened in front of you?




  1. I would've told her "It's about time!" And dared her to say something negative.

  2. I would of said something along the lines of - yeah Ellen and Portia, Brad and Angelina, Britney and KFed. Marriage is so overrated these days.

  3. Nobody really has a right to call you wrong for not answering. You're the only one who really knows what kind of situation you were in.

    Nevertheless, I've been very vocal about q***r insults (aimed at me or us in general) for years. I'm polite but firm and not all that pleasant when I explain what's what and that g*y isn't a lifestyle, etc. Speaking out isn't as hard as it might seem. Although if the guy looks like an angry NFL lineman...

    I think it's important that we all speak out when we can. But only we can judge when it's safe.

    I hope this is helpful.

  4. The best ammo in any arguments are indisputable facts that counter a stereotype. If you can give facts like how much money g**s and lesbians donate to charity, the number of children they've adopted who wouldn't have a home, might help. Sorry, but I don't have any of those stats at my fingertips.

  5. Honestly, you're just as bad for not saying anything.

    It goes along with the belief that the silent are just as bad as the ones causing the problem. Granted, it was fine not to get into a fight with some random women at a grocery store, but for future reference..

    Oh, and to answer your question. I would have said something. I wouldn't have been extremely rude about it or anything, but I would have said something to her.

    Ah.. my pot is boiling!

  6. most certainly I would hav told her 2 shut the f-up & called her a creep!

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