
Whats IEP??????????????

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Whats an IEP? my mom got a letter in the mail saying they are going to evaluate me for special education for behavior? what happens?What do the evaluate? does that mean i have to have a teacher follow me around everywhere?




  1. RELAX,

    that means Individual Education see what needs to be done to help you!

  2. iep=individualized education plan

  3. An IEP is an Individualized Education Program.  The Special Education department will evaluate behavior, language skills, math skills, etc.  They may evaluate everything, or just one special subject.  I personally have not administered the test.  But I had students WITH IEP's.  Depending on the severity, I had to see that the child had their parent's sign a piece of paper with their homework on it, some students had specially designed tests while the other children took the regular test, some tests and quizzes were not changed or changed slightly and a paraprofessional read the test to the student.  If you are not in a special education program now and do not have any trouble with the law, then I highly doubt a teacher (also known as paraprofessional) will follow you everywhere.

  4. Individual Education Plan. all it means is they're going to do tests to see if you have a learning disability like ADD or dyslexia, and then you get a packet that has suggestions. My little brother has ADD, so he takes  his tests in a special quiet room in the library so there aren't as many distractions and he gets extensions on timed tests. his teachers also let him type more things because its easier for him to manage. its not a big deal at all, its just going to help you learn better.

  5. take a chill pill. you will be fine. no a teacher doesn't follow you around. you can get help in ur classes and such. just go through with it. i have one.

  6. they take you out of class and they run a few common tests and see what your responses are on a few things. Because this is being based off your behavior and not your grades; I assume that this means that someone has inquired about how your act in school. Wether it be in a school setting or social interactions at school.

  7. Schools can NOT put you in special ed and can NOT do this testing without your parents written consent.

    If your parent doesn't agree with this, tell them to write a letter to whoever wants the testing done stating they are NOT going to give written consent for testing OR you being put in special ed.

    If they still do this AFTER your parent gives them this letter, this is ILLEGAL and your parent can sue.

    Even though special ed is suppose to help with a childs behavior IF the behavior is interferring with the childs education,

    in reality schools do not do this. They do this to get the kid out of the teachers hair so they dont' have to fool wiht the child.

    THey put the behavior child in classes with other behavior kids and DON"T help them with the behaviors. And this makes the child  fail with their education even more.

    Please let your parent read what I am writing. It is VERY serious for your education and your future.

  8. A child who is found eligible under the category of Emotional Disability is NOT automatically put in any special class of "behavior kids."  The evaluation is done by at least a psychologist who will do academic and/or achievement testing, to determine if your ability and acheivement are where they should be.  Since it is for behavior, the social worker will do behavior scales, which your parents and teachers have an opportunity to explain what they see is going on.  And again, you are NOT automatically being put in a special class, nor do you have to have someone follow you around.  Even if you are found eligible for services, that doesn't mean that you have to be in any special class.

  9. a number of things can happen

    assuming you are found to be in need of services-

    you may be placed in a class or school fro children with behavioral problems

    you may have a support teacher in all of your classes to monitor your behavior

    you may meet with a behaviorist/school counselor on a regular basis

    you may be given a behavior plan/contract to help you become aware of your difficulties and ways to change bad patterns of behavior

  10. An IEP is an Individualized Education Plan. It is an annual legal document that outlines the educational plan and goals for a particular student. It describes the student's current level of academic performance, physical health, and social/ emotional functioning. The document describes specific educational and social goals to be met within one year. it also describes class placement, participation in general ed classes, testing modifications, and what promotion criteria the student must meet to move on to the next grade as well as the related services (speech, PT/OT, counseling, etc. and their duration). Once a child has been evaluated and determined eligible to receive special services, an IEP is developed.

    They will probably evaluate you for an emotional disturbance based on what is described. That means they will determine whether you have a disability and require support. They will determine which supports/ class setting you need, if any, to help with your functioning.

  11. Individual Education Plan.

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