
Whats a good cure for laziness?

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Whats a good cure for laziness?




  1. Laziness isn't necessarily a personality trait.  It could be a sign of low-energy, health issues.  Try taking B50 complex 2 -3x a day for a week, and see if you notice a boost in energy.  Another energy boosting supplement is l-carnatine - it helps with fat processing as well as use of other nutrients.  It causes the cells to release energy better (oversimplification).  You can read more about it if it interests you.

  2. Motivation - Get up and do something.  Something always needs to be done.  Clean, cook, exercise, do laundry, gardening, pamper yourself.

  3. Two things:  

    1. A swift kick up the rear end.


    2. Take 2 Thessalonians 3:10 to heart.*

  4. A slap with a big wet fish.

  5. a slap with a wet towel

  6. Something to get motivated about. Set a goal. If you have nothing to work for or look forward to in life, what's stopping you from sitting on your bum all day?

  7. Doing something

  8. I just don't feel like answering

  9. What age group of person are we talking about, also female or male?

  10. yes

  11. A cattle prod!

  12. meeting me !!!!

  13. Bucket of ice to get someone to throw at you when you wont get up ;)

  14. A swift kick in the a**.

  15. i need points

  16. Try L-dopa supplements, which increase dopamine levels in the brain, dopamine is known for increasing motivation.

    Coenzyme Q10 100mg per day, this will increase energy dramatically

    SAMe - 400mg per day, this always gives be a boost

    B vitamins as someone else mentioned

    Hypnotherapy can also help, self hypnosis to get to the root of the problem.

    We all have in the past suffered from laziness, it would be wise to get a health check anyway.

  17. Have a health check up. If there is no health issue, then you can start making plans for your day. Since you do not tell your age, let us say you go to school. and plan for after school. Do sam physical work, like tidy up your room, and clean one area well. Finish any home work you may have. After dinner help out with clean up in the kitchen, and then proceed to your own rutine of brushing and flossing and a shower before bedtime. Very your plans so that you may include some waling for exercise, 3 ties a week.  Check these of your planner as you get them done, it will make you feel much better about yourself and your activities.

  18. Caffeine!

  19. Poverty............get a job !!!!!!!

  20. a bullet

  21. B-12, regular exercise, and volunteer work.

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