
Whats a good first car?

by  |  earlier

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my son is going to be turning 16 in january. I'mm looking for a new car to lease. we need a car that is safe. i have a volvo s80 so we looked at the s40 for him. hes not so fond of that car. does anybody else have any good suggestions for cars?




  1. If you like Swedish cars, get the safer of the two and go with Saab. Sit him in the 9-3 Aero and you'll have your son begging for the car. Saabs are the safest vehicles on the road. They have a reinforced passenger zone (extra steel bars to protect the passengers form a cage), reinforced engine block, crumple technology for the major impact zones (up front), active head rests, and a HUGE list of other safety features.

    You're also better off leasing a Saab since they take large hits for depreciation in the first year or two. I wouldn't recommend leasing - ever - but if you're set on doing it, the Saab makes the most sense.

  2. Ford Focus is a good first but not bad quality.

  3. Toyota and Honda make some great economic and safe starter cars.  Try looking into the Honda Accord series and the Toyota Camry series.

  4. get him something used and not used.

  5. Mazda was my first but I'd recommend Toyota anytime. Strong, efficient and reliable.

  6. Subaru Impreza 4 door sedan.

    178 horsepower, 5 star crash rating, MSRP $16,995, and runs smooth without breaking down.

  7. first cars are like training wheels. i wouldn't buy anything to expensive. teenager get into more accidents and get more tickets in the first 3 years of driving then any other age group. so i wouldnt buy the fasts car out there either.( ahh no race even if you have the most trust worth kid on the planet, 98% of the time they are a little different when you are not around plus everyone makes mistakes. also have to consider the Friends they hang out they might not be as save or trust worth and can be the cause of a wreck. so i would look for something reliable and great on gas. power windows and locks are nice but he is young and can roll is window down himself. if you get used which i would. make sure it looks good too cause as you probably know its a world based on looks and kids can be cruel. also you can always get them a new much nicer car when they have proven they are responsible or as a graduation gift. not to mention insurance is cheaper for a new drive with an older car then with a new car by alot.  

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