
Whats between air particles and ghosts?

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I was thinking today, whats between air particles? Is there nothing between air particles? And then i was thinking of how some people think that after you die you just feel nothing. Then i got onto the thing that if there is nothing in between air particles maybe thats where ghosts are and thats why apparantly so many people have seen them? I've totally confused myself and please dont give me a long lecture with lots of scientific words as Im only 13




  1. Ghosts are only creation of mind and fear.

    believe me,there are no ghosts.

    I am 65 years and hunting ghosts for the last 45 years,but could not find any.

  2. I've got to admire you for imagination. Air particles are moving fast and changing position all the time. If you look up Brownian Motion it will help you understand that a bit.

    Ghosts and the paranormal are things I suggest you don't fret about just now- with an enquiring mind like yours you could be good at science.

    I'm a christian, so I'd (predictably!) suggest that you search for God instead of ghosts. The Bible says no man has ever seen God, but Jesus came to make God known to us.

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