
Whats going one with the phone???

by Guest33972  |  earlier

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Sometimes when I am talking on my land line phone sometimes I here beeping sounds like someone is listening in on my coversation! I changed my number but it still does not work! I often get phone calls like just now! from this phone number (111)111-1111 and when I answer its like a machine saying Beeeeeeep! Beeeeeeep! IDK what do you think!? And I cannot contact the phone company because its not really my phone its my moms I am still a teenager! I told my mom she said it happens to her too but IDK what she did about it... What do you think?




  1. change company

  2. I think ur mom should deff call her phone company and see what the hek is going on

  3. Dude, someone totally must be listening in on your calls!!! No seriously, it sounds like a fax service is ringing in on your call waiting.  Then again, it could be robots listening in on your call. Sounds like some terminator 3 stuff.

  4. It could be that you or the other person on the line is pressing buttons, or it could just be a minor glitch with your phone.

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