
Whats gonna happen? [Please help]?

by Guest61386  |  earlier

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Okay so my 16 year old cousin got caught trying to break in to this place. And the cops got him.

I don't know what hes being charged with.

I know its attempting and having possession of tools.

And they recorded the whole thing with a camera and the cops have that too.

Now is he gonna go to Juvie and for how long?




  1. Where does he live? Does he have any priors? Does he have a drug problem? What tools was he carrying? Why film the crime? How many people were involved? What was taken, if anything? All they questions may need to be factored in. And BTW, as far as I know, 16 year old criminals don't go to Juvie; they go to jail.

  2. No prior history or drug use. He will get probation and  community service. If he cotinues on the path of stealing one day he will meet Bubba in the pen.

  3. Hmmmm, juvie or regular jail, depending on what the DA wants.  They can charge him as an adult.  If he's a juvie, he'll be miserable but hopefully they can get him some help and have him focus on other things that are legal.  He'll be with the juvie system til he's 18.  If he goes to prison, well, you can imagine from reading the posts here what it's like. He'll probably do a year and get probation.

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