
Whats he REALLY trying to say??

by  |  earlier

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He calls me every day and we talk for hours on end. We're only friends for now, but I think I'm falling for him, and he might be doing the same. Tonight he told me he wanted me to call HIM for a change. When I asked why, he said I dont know, I guess its because i always call you... could this mean he likes me too and it brightens his day to see my name on his caller I.D. as me?




  1. most definitely!!!!!! He doesn't want to seem too into you so to change things up, instead of him making the effort to call you all the time he wants to see if you would actually call him. things are looking good for the both of you... good luck!!!

  2. Yo really me and my girl did the same thing and she didnt no i liked her till she finally just told me flat out i want to be more then friends and right then i told her i liked her then we got together.

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