
Whats it like being homeschooled?

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Whats it like being homeschooled?




  1. In all honesty its not all fun like the others said sure its really great

    right now im in Treca Online Acadamy

    Its really hard to keep up with your work and stuff but ovr all it is really easy =D

  2. You can read a new novel all day, go to the park, catch butterflies, take  trip to the library, or go 5 chapters of math work.

    LOL :-)

  3. i loved being homeschooled it gives you a chance to get a full time job if you are able to handle it and it gives you time with the ones you love.. you also get to work at your own pace and thats why i did it check out where i went

  4. What is it like to be free to direct your own education, to be able to work at your own pace, and follow your interests; without a lot of useless busy work, and learn what is really needed to function in daily life?

    If you can understand that, then you will understand what it is like to be home schooled.

  5. This was our first year, and it's great! I don't worry about her being influenced by the "wrong crowd", she is not "left behind " if she doesn't understand something yet we can jump ahead if she comprehends it quickly. We love the freedom we have- we have gone to the movies during the day when no one else is there, we go to museums at least 2ce a month. For activities she has Taikwondo 2ce a week, 4H, Bee School (we'll be getting hives in April!) and sewing during the week for homeschooled kids at a materials store. She goes skiing with a friend from Taikwondo(who isn't homeschooled), she sees friends from her old public school/neighborhood. This is the best thing i have ever done, in a time where my daughter is maturing and is a "tween" we have a closer relationship, we hold hands in public (most kids her age would DIE first before doing this) and we can talk about anything.

  6. Great!! it's fun and you learn the same amount as you would at school plus heaps more in way less time.  I can only say good about it, it is sooo flexible and personal, great for people who wouldn't learn that well in the state system.  Go for it!

  7. It was great for our family.  We were much closer as a family and had more quality time.  Contrary to popular belief we had much MORE socialization while home schooling, because we were able to be much more flexible.  My son learned how to interact with ALL types of people, not just 25 kids in his own age group.  He was able to do his work at his pace, and not have to wait for the rest of the class to catch up.  Because of this, he graduated from high school and was accepted to college at 16.  He holds a job and does on line school and runs his own computer repair business.  There are so many opportunities he would have missed had he remained in the public school system.

  8. Depends on the kid, I am a senior and for the most part I've loved my homeschooling. Depending were you live sometimes its hard to get into quality sports programs.  Also there are some cool academic competion programs  that not all homeschoolers can do. But I really like being homeschooled all in all. Because it has given me the freedom to pursue what I want to. For intellectualls and free spirited people, I would definitly recommend homeschooling. Otherwise I personally see it as kinda pointless.

  9. My children don't have to wait for someone in the class to catch up.  We tend to finish classes in about 4 hours every day ..and we follow a very strict christian curriculum.  My kids are in 2nd and 4th grade and if you ever said they were going to Conventional school they would cry.  We take field trips weekly, they have YMCA memberships and socialize there as well as in church and the kids in the neighborhood.  If we don't want to start class until noon....we don't.  It empowers the kids, makes them learn to time manage and teaches them to be themselves, not to follow the crowd just because its there.  I wouldn't change a thing.

  10. It's great. You have more time and you are more flexible. You grow up under your parents' guidance and not that of the government, and you most likely actually learn how to think, which is something the government schools don't do very well. You also learn things that the government schools wouldn't dare teach you, like Abraham Lincoln was a racist, and George Washington was not the first president, but he was preceded by 16 other presidencies that had much smaller jurisdictions.

  11. It makes you think for yourself, no bad peer presure, closer as a family, quiter learning enviroment. Connections Academy is a great one! k-12 you have real teachers you can email, they have LiveLessons where you can talk with the teacher and you will be in class with other kids. They have fairs, spelling B's, Field Trips like a normal school. Your provided with free computer,printer,speaker's,cd's, and anything needed for class, labs etc. This is my first year, even though im a outgoing person and a peoples person I still enjoy it and dont get lonely.

  12. I enjoy home schooling very much, of course like a lot of kids I still look forward to summer because school is still hard.

  13. it is amazing!i love it.and i have two sisters in collage who were homeschooedl all there life!!!!!

  14. Each family is going to have a different response because of how they go about homeschooling.

    There are, unfortunately, families out there who don't get out and do stuff and the kids get bored, feel lonely, have no friends. Those aren't the families I know.

    Most families I'm connected with get out regularly, the kids participate in activities, the more social kids (elementary age) have playdates set up, the teens get their own activities going sometimes...  The actual schooling depends again on how the parents go about it. Some are very hands-on and guide the students; others are completely hands-off; others are very rigid. It really, really depends.

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