
Whats rong with ME???

by  |  earlier

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i don't get it i feel so empty, yet i have a beautiful family.. my parents are divorced but they get along great i see my father everyday so even though i don't live with him i see him, i have guys falling for me like crazy ( i don't mean to sound conceded but hear me out) once i noe they like me I'm uninterested, if any of them even try to get to emotionally close i just break it.. i have a best friend and other pretty good friends... i go shopping ALOT but that's only temporary satisfaction because after wards i still have the empty feeling..wats my problem?




  1. Well first off  think that you are looking for happiness in wrong places. Happiness is not something that can be bought. Happiness is all the simple things in life, Happiness going to the beach, peace of mind, sitting in the park at sunset, freedom (both mental and physical). Realizing who you are and not caring what others think. And maybe you're afraid to be in love. You need to be by yourself for a little while, away from friends,family, and all electronics!!( LOL) and just talk to yourself, think,and you will began to find answers to many of your own questions. And lastly a life without GOD is an empty one.  

  2. ummm i dont know you sound pretty d**n unthankful. stop being so selfish and appreciate all the great people/things you have. and shut your mouth complaining over here for nothing  

  3. Your spelling.

    Your problem is your spelling.

  4. you have shallow connections.  Shopping only fills the superficial gratification.  You are not involved in something that is bigger and more important than yourself.  This gives that feeling of being adrift in a big ocean without a rudder or a map.

    The most fulfilled people work hard on their personal goals.  Sweat and toil all their lives with nothing in return except for progress in their indeavor.  But because of the success and the comraderie of those who share the dream, they are as happy and fulfilled as kings.

    Relationships build in these services keep them strong and full of hope.

    The equasion centers around the Idea of service to great things and others.

  5. its cuz of ur parents divorce its ok but u need to learn how to get over it u should really try to work things out with him and tell him how u really feel and dont feed him BS

  6. you probably want something more. Beyond the material world. Try going to church or getting in a serious relationship with a boy. Not a passing fancy or a crush, but a long term thing.

  7. okay it sounds like you have been hurt alot sorry but you dont have it that bad trust me my parents aredivorced my moms a alcoholic i live with her i see my dad every weekend and there are people out there that have it me .. now if these guys want to get close to you dont be so afraid if you have had your heart broken before gives these guys a chance dont take it out on them by dumping them and if you already no that the relationship is going to be over in a week dont get into the relationship ...

  8. your satisfaction comes from this game that your playing

  9. Maybe you need someone fun and caring in your life.

    I might have someone in mind . . .  
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