
Whats so good about Lambrini?

by  |  earlier

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Why is it so popular?




  1. Because lambrini girls just wanna have fun...just kidding. Cant stand the stuff its vile. Its like drinking battery acid!

  2. I don't like it. I'm drinking what I think is an old fashioned drink at the moment, martini and lemonade with ice. I must be getting old.

  3. Lambrucini is the new Lambrini

  4. 2 big bottles for 5 quid .......   big glass fill it with ice then fill it with the golden liquid  ,,,,,,,,,,   job done

  5. Its cheap and gets you drunk easily, i drank it when i was 17, but now prefere a nice wine, or a vodka, lime and lemonade.

  6. You tell us. You are the expert aren't you? ( Apparently.)

  7. It's cheap. I used to drink when I was about 13 because it was the only thing other than cider that I could afford lol.

    Thankfully I have now moved up in the world :)

  8. I don`t mind it really. But then i am a cheap date.

  9. nothing is good about lambrini- it was great when i was 15/16, but it takes a lot more to get me drunk now!!!!!

  10. There's nothing good about Lambrini. It tastes of stale p155.

  11. it doesn't taste like wine

  12. You can drink two large bottles and remain sober as a judge

  13. Its disgusting and had a cheek to call itself a wine lol. but those who drink it, do so as its cheap and gets you pissed easily!!!

  14. If you ask me nothing, I think it's awful.

  15. 1) It's made in Liverpool and provides employment in a deprived area.

    2) It makes the rest of the country happy bcause it's cheap!

  16. When you find out can you let me know?

  17. Not much, it's not even any good for cleaning the engine bay

    Merlot is much better

  18. Its one of the nicest sports cars available today if you can afford one

  19. its cheap and it used to get me really drunk when i was about 14! my best nights wer spent drunk on lambrini! classy girl!!

  20. Nothing omg its evil lol.

    I drank it once years ago, I have never been so ill the next day.

    Never again LOL.

    People like it cause it gets you really drunk and its soo cheap.

    I wouldnt touch it with a barge pole tho LOL x

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