
Whats sociology?

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i mean whats it's definitions, what does it talks about, is it a cience, is it a work, is it a hobby, lets say i know nothing about this theme and word..anyone can help me?




  1. How many times this week have you seen or heard something that's made you ask 'what is the world coming to?  Kids are being stabbed to death ever day, immigration seems to be a constant discussion point, 2 Goths were attacked recently and one was kicked to death.

    Sociology is the study of society. What makes it tick, why people vote or don't, the way they do. Where we work, what we eat, why we think one thing is right over another.These are all sociological questions.

    Sociology is not a science sociology is a study of society it's questions without answers. Society to me as a female is very different than it is for a white middle class well educated male.having said that life for a white middle class male is nowhere near as cushy as it was 20 years ago. Most white males would say that if you're black, female or disabled you've got better life chances now than they have.

    It's a study of society, how it works, who has power and why, who makes the decisions etc etc etc. it is probably the most fascinating and frustrating subject you will ever study,if you do.

  2. its a laughable waste of space

  3. The study of social situations and events etc...


  5. The study of how human beings interact with each other.

  6. The study of society, human social interaction, and the rules and processes that bind and separate people not only as individuals, but as members of associations, groups, and institutions.

  7. Sociology is the scientific or systematic study of society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture

  8. Sociology is the study of human beings and their behaviour. It looks at how society shapes the individual from birth right through life. It looks at society as a whole and looks at trends and social forces, it also looks at family and examines things such as poverty, unemployment, marriage, work, religion, climate change, even terrorism, there are lots of different social issues. Sociology attemps to challenge many taken for granted assumptions, it questions what many believe to be true. There are common sense explanations and sociological explanations.
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