
Whats stops breats from growing?

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is there anything tht slows down or prevents breast growth ( e.e underwire bra, a certain food?)




  1. not eating at all or eating very little will stop them growing. some peole natrually dont have big b***s. nothing to get worked up over.  

  2. Nothing will slow down your bodies natural maturing, but if you want to decrease the size of them, try doing upper body workouts, as a boob will consist mostly of fat, and if you work to burn off some of that fat, then the size will go down.

    But only do this if you aren't already at your ideal weight! Don't go on a diet if you are already at the appropriate weight. If your b*****s are really causing you problems, then IF YOU ARE AT YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT consider breast reduction. Your b*****s tend to loose their size as the fat will be burned away like any other fat, so if it wouldn't hurt to loose a few pounds, then try a diet or doing upper body workouts.

    Hope I helped :D


    Hope these information answer your Question.

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