
Whats the definiton of paranormal?

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Usually, this would be an easy question to answer, but recently ive heard people relate energetics and even witchcraft to it, along with spiritual shapeshifting.

Is paranormal something that deals with only Apparitions and spirits, or is it more?




  1. above the normal

  2. Paranormal is a term on most occasions used to define apparitions and such, but to consider the term's true definition, it indeed could include the others that you named.

    the only reason why i say this is cuz of the fact that energetics and things of that nature and very far from the "Norm".

    somethings are best defined by the individual asking about it.

    use common sense to best judge what would be the best definitions.

  3. The term paranormal, as defined in the dictionary:


    of or pertaining to the claimed occurence of an event or      perception without scientific explanatio, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena.

    To answer your question, I would say that 'paranormal' has a pretty broad definition, and can be applied to anything out of the ordinary and unexplainable by science.

  4. Anything not within the range of normal explanation.Psychics,ghost hunters.,witches,mediums all the usual baloney artists.On this forum you can add Space Aliens,Bigfoot,it covers just about anything.In short, it's all Myth and superstition.

  5. Paranormal is really a misleading term.  It's like supernatural.  It defines a place that by definition is unobtainable except through one's imagination.  Once something supposedly paranormal is observable, explainable, repeatable, etc. then it's normal.  Once something supposedly supernatural can be observed in reality then it becomes natural.  It's really a hold-out term from the early days of paranormal research when those who were studying it decided it was worth investigating.  Millions of dollars and man hours later I think it's not unreasonable to assume that no such phenomena exist.

  6. Paranormal -meaning not normal (or scientifically explainable) would include the effects of witchcraft (not the beliefs). This is a very imprecise term. Please note something can exist that science can not explain how it works and this would be considered paranormal. Thus how and where memory is stored in the brain is still paranormal while other aspects of neuroscience are very normal.

    Early researchers (1882 when the Society for Psychical Research was founded by Cambridge professors) coined the term psychical to study psychic (mediums, ghosts, mesmerism (now hypnosis), thought transference (now ESP) phenomena.

    Later Dr. J.B. Rhine defined parapsychology as the study of ESP and Psychokinesis (PK) (previously telekinesis) and helped to establish parapsychology as a science by using these stricter guidelines of inquiry. Skeptics still yell foul but the American Association for the Advancement of Science granted affiliate status to the Parapsychological Association in 1969.

    All that said you might consider if the terms physical or parapsychology are better descriptions of some phenomena.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  7. something which paralyzes the {MIND} of a simple subject...that means human beings like you and me. Were are just ants taking along walk in the {FOREST} of [RO] case you were asleep.

  8. Anything that science cannot explain.

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