
Whats the difference between...?

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Whats the difference between



2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine hydrochloride

A lot of websites are speaking about them as though they were the same thing.

Am I missing something?

Please help!




  1. The first compound is like R-NH2. The second compound, the hydrochloride, is R-NH3(+) Cl(-). They are the same, and they are not the same.

    It is analogous to the difference between cocaine and crack cocaine.

    What you are missing is the second-year organic chemistry course.

  2. The second one is just the first compound in the HCl solution.The first one (R-NH2, see the previous comment) shows some basis properties (Lewis base) because of the unshared  electron pair on N, but in the second the lone pair of electrons is used up to attach to H+ to form RNH3(+)Cl(-), the second compound (you may call it a salt)

    So, in a nutshell, the first shows some basic properties, but upon "acid work-up" with HCl it gives rise to the second whose NH2 group does not show any basicity. And yes, they are two different compounds.

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