
Whats ur favouite time of day?

by  |  earlier

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mine is around 7-8 pm when i getin from work at around half 6 have dinner and then around 7-8 im just winding down with my laptop on and tv on bliss




  1. school time, because i meet my girl friend.

  2. Bed time - whenever that may be. I love getting cosy in my bed and relaxing.

  3. Whatever time I'm starting the backup CD at work, because that means that I'll be out of there in five minutes!

  4. 6 pm which is dinner time where most foods are on the table :P

  5. My favorite time is exactly same time as you mentioned.  When you are done with daily grind and take it easy to relax and wind down.  



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  6. When i'm in bed. It makes me unwind and i always fall straight back to sleep as soon as my alarm goes off. It's good to get a bit more kip in.

  7. Mine is in early morning I feel at the peak of the day

    .. . ...

    I have the gift of want to be up at dawns first light so to say

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    I love seeing the first days sunlight come into this room I am now sitting in

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    I have a ton of morning pictures of the skies I have seen and the quiet time of the day

    .. . ..

  8. The half asleep half awake feeling just before I have to wake up properly to go to work -the 5 mins before the alarm goes off again.

  9. 6 am is the best time for me

    than began my favorite show

  10. s*x o'clock

  11. 5 am - quietest time of the day.

  12. I like around 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. because in the morning is when it's nice and cool and then later in the afternoon/evening is when I like to do whatever there is to do(swimming, playing outside, taking a nap, etc.) And I also like the evening because I get to sit down on the couch and rest after eating supper and I like watching T.V. before bed.

  13. Mornings when I don't have to get up to go anywhere, and can stay cosy and warm snuggled up to my partner for as long as we want.

  14. 1am.

    Its that euphoric time when nothing is happening and everything is really quite...


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