
Whats worse alcohol or marijuana?

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do you think they should legalize marijuana and make alcohol illegal?




  1. Alcohol is probably worse in my opinion. Think about all the alcohol related violence and long term damage to health.

  2. dude,stay away from alcohol(unless its rubbing alcohol) and marijuana it will ruin your life!

  3. i think alcohol is worse. it makes you so sloppy. and if you know how to handle weed then i think its okay. but if ur one of those people that just act dumb then maybe thats not for you either.

  4. Alcohol is more dangerous but too much pot is too.  As far as legalization.  I think they should legalize everything.  Crack, heroin, LSD, Meth.

  5. well considering that marijuana is ILLEGAL!! i would say its the worst.

  6. weed is less harmless than cigeretts and alchol put together. weed has 3 times the amount of tar in cigs  but you dont smoke weed as much as cigs. you usaully smoke weed 1-3+ times a day. cigs you smoke anywhere from 1-a whole pack. alchol is actully good for you body IN MODERATION. but if you were to drink in moderation it wouldnt be any fun.

    i think marijuana should be legalized because it has many good affects to your body. it increases your metabolism and relives minor pain and depression. alchol should stay the same in th legalization part. but law enforcment should crack down on drunk drivers more.

  7. well, marijuana is illegal but alcohol does ruin many more lives. prohibition showed that the gov. can not make something illegal after it was been legal for so long. bottom line the gov. has said marijuana is illegal therefore if you, or anyone, does not like it leave :o)

    but i think marijuana SHOULD be legal......but its not so, hey deal


  8. Alcohol is FAR worse. Alcohol kills more people than cocaine, heroin and all other illegal drugs combined.

    Marijuana hasn't killed one person in it's past 10,000 years of use. And anything you here about marijuana "addiction" is utter bullshit. Maybe you can become mentally addicted to it, but you can become mentally addicted to anything; p**n, hamburgers, television.. anything.

  9. between the two id go for marijuana.. since its more known for its addicting effect...

  10. any drug has the potential to be bad for the body. in excess, both are bad. some doctors say that to drink a glass of red wine (one per day) may have benefits. personally, i believe both can be addictive. alcohol is legal. marijuana is illegal unless prescribed by a doctor (in calif) however, the federal govt. does not agree with the state govt. best advice i can give is to ease stress by reading the bible.

  11. alohol's worse.

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