
Whats wrong with me? :(:(:(:(?

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I really want to be proper heterosexual but I am starting to question myself :(:( :'( omg i'm so ashamed of myself. i'm 16 ( turned 16 last week ) and I try to think men are hot but I CAN'T. david beckham, colin farrell, leonardo dicaprio, brad pitt, tyson beckford, chris brown are all not attractive in my opinion yet mariah carey, christina aguilera, nicole scherzinger, britney spears (used to be hott), jessica alba, angelina jolie i can't help but be sooo attracted to them and think there really hot. the thing is i can't be a g*y girl cause i'm like the girliest girl ever, i wear lots of make up, straighten my hair and everything except i like to dress in like hoodys, not reallyy girly clothes but sorta girly ( i prefer more casual ), in school every body tells me that i'm the best looking girl in the whole school (even older guys).. but yeah i even think that d!ck is sooooooo horrible and the fort of doing stuff with a man (example: oral s*x makes me sick to my stomach) i wish i weren't like this. is it just a phase???? how can i make myself find men attractive cause i also hate there bodies and everything.. was anybody else like this as a teen???????




  1. It's all about perception. You're adjusting to male-dominated views to make them work for yourself (media, ect.). Do you hear more about what a nice guy Brad Pitt is or do you hear more about Angelina Jolie stripping down in her latest movie? Just try to get to know some more guys and learn about their qualities as individuals, not as a gender.

    Even if all doesn't go as planned, be flexible and just have fun!

  2. NO nothing is wrong with you you just dont like men its simple if you dont get butterflies over guys then you just do not like them and their is nothing wrong with that. Be true to yourself do not try to make yourself like guys when deep down inside you feel nothing and are disgusted by their genitals i also think oral s*x on a guy is just disgusting nothing is wrong with that remember to be true to yourself or you will never be truly happy

  3. Just because your a "girlie girl" that doesn't mean you can't be a L*****n.

    Everybody gets confused about there sexual orientation in there lives. I know I did. When I was 13,14 I, like you, started to think I was a L*****n, but I'm not. I'm straight.

    Chances are it could be your hormones. Or perhaps you are bisexual. Have you ever had any big crushes on guys? Do you think any guy is hot? Or, you could be a L*****n. There's nothing wrong with that though. It's just the way you are.

    Wait for awhile...try to work it out. I think you really know when you first kiss a girl. If that does anything for you then you know you are either bi or a L*****n. If not, you know you're not. See?

  4. Omg im 15 and im kinda going though the same thing. If you want someone to talk to im here =]

  5. It is normal to have these feeling. the key is to except them and not to fight them.

    You must understand that you cannot control who you are attracted to. being a girly girl really makes no difference.

    If these feelings of attractiveness disappear over time then you will know that it is just a phase, if they do not then you have to except how you are because if you dont then you will never be happy in any relationships you have with men as you will only be dating them to gain other peoples respect, forsaking your own

  6. You are turning Bisexual...


    I'm sorry... But David Beckham is drop dead gorgeous.

  7. You can't MAKE yourself be attracted to men

    Either you are or you aren't

    And being a girly-girl does not mean you're not a L*****n/bisexual.  Not all lesbians/bisexuals are butch and act like men

    You just have to trust yourself to find the answer.

  8. You're prolly g*y hun, It's ok really. I doubt it's a phase. There's nothing you can do to 'make' you like something you dont.

  9. you might be going through a phase, you might not be ready for s*x yet give it time you will, I had male friends but wasn''t ready for a longtime. And everyone things those girls from hollywood are, dont mean they are g*y.

  10. Around your age teens usually get confused about their sexuality. You'll probably get over it.

    But if you don't, its okay. Because you can't chose to be g*y (ob-viously) so, for those Christian folks, its not your fault.

  11. you probably justthink they are pretty, thats how alot of girls date girls because they think other girls are pretty and start to think they are g*y. NO! honey pray about it



  12. I was exactly like you and when i was about 14 and im now 16 and i have a wonderful boyfrnd nearly of a year. i stil find womens bodies more attrctive than mens and i think thats normal because they are in my opinion!! I have changed now and i admire mens bodies a lot more and thik they are attractive. i think when you are in our 1st serious relationship you change quite a lot and i think you are just going through a stage at the moment like i was which you just grow out of. And if you are g*y then who cares!! My two best mates are Bi but prefer girls and they are very happy 2gther and i love them both 2 bits. I think you are going through the unsure stage whether or not you are g*y which is normal. So let it pass and see how you feel at the end of it. you might decide that you are a lesbein but many people dont have a clue ven until later inlife. some people get married and have kids then realise that they are actually g*y. So take your time and try to find your true feelings. :)

    Hope this helps :)  x

  13. hmm, check out ville valo, for some reason a lot people think he looks like a girl (???) heres a pic of him when he kinda looked like a girl ;-)

  14. i am actually repuled by oral s*x.. and i think that angelina jolie is hot. i'm a girl and i'm 100% straight. it's not about how the person looks on the outside that matters (or that decides your sexuality). it's okay to have these thoughts so long as you don't act on them. if you want to be straight then keep a fence between "wow she's pretty" and having sexual fantasies. in my opinion satan has a rol in this whole endeavor and he's putting doubt in your mind. one day you'll find a man who will be amazing and he'll sweep you off your feet and love you for you. son't worry about looks. some guys repulse me.. that doesn't mean i'm g*y. it just means that i haven't found the right one yet. i'm 19 almost 20 and i used to have those thoughts in 9th grade.. but i'm perfectly content with who i am now. good luck! message me if you'd like to talk more!


  15. just cos ur pretty doesnt mean u couldnt be a L*****n. jeez

    u cant makee urself like men though, u are what u are

    most people will experiment with their sexuality at some stage, it could be a phase or it might not, u should just wait and see and accept yourself for who u are

    i dont like mens bodies and think girls have better bodys but im deffinatly not  L*****n.

  16. The way you dress has nothing to do with sexual orientation, it's all about who you are attracted to. Don't try to force yourself to be attracted to guys if you aren't. Experiment a little, with guys and girls, it's probably the only way you will figure out if you are straight or g*y, or even bi. Just keep in mind if you are with someone because you think you should be and not because you want to be then you are just going to end up being miserable. Do what makes you happy, not what you think everyone else would expect you to do.

  17. It is common that teenagers go through a period of fancying the opposite s*x but it does wear off in some cases. You shouldn't be ashamed of what gender you like. It just comes naturally. Give it some time and if it doesn't pass then you will just have to face the fact that you are L*****n. Its so common, your not alone.

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