
Whats wrong with me?!?(socially)?

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Hi. Something is WRONG here. Im a 16 year old girl, im very pretty(according to people)... but people have labeled me as a "prude". THe thing is... ive never hooked up with a guy. But ever since ive been given that name, watched every one of my friends get there first hookup, and sit back a watch... I cant seem to break out of this label. I LIKE GUYS. I WANT TO HAVE FUN. IM NO PRUDE. But its like everyone has this impression of me, that ill never do anything with guys. And i actually just go along with that impression. I want guys, but i dont show them i want them cuz they have all already labeled me as prude. WTF AM I GONNA DOOOOOO WITH MYSELF? sorry if this questions mad whack.




  1. They're jerks!

    You shouldn't hook up with a guy, just because!

    It should be something special....

    Not just something you throw around all over the place....

    Be a prude!


    All my best!


  2. Nothing wrong with waiting for the right guy, I think there something wrong if you don't wait.

    I know guys, we want the $lut in bed, not as a serious girlfriend.

    So be a prude, you're the only one who's doing the right thing.

  3. first of never let anyone change who you are... when i was you're age it was the same thing with my friends and when you're young your dumber... don't do what your friends do because it's your life not theirs. you might regret something later... labels are dumb, let them say what they want, it's not like it's a bad thing, would you rather be a slu.t?

  4. live with it- when the time comes the time comes - labels are kind of r-tarded to begin with... particularly letting someone else label you... prude may be better than a label like s**t or having to face yourself everyday after doing something you don't want to do or feel ready to do...

  5. there is too much pressure on girls to act and dress like britney spears and too be overly sexualized, 50 years ago you would have been considered normal.

    you are being yourself and dont let the media or $luts  pressure you into being something you are not because you will just regret it and feel horrible later and do things that you wish you hadnt.

    you shuld be proud of yourself, especially in todays society.

    if a guy doesnt like you the way you are its because hes horny and wants s*x from you. which is about 90% (at least) of the male population.

  6. well you can try be a lone wolf, not too much socialize here or there. so you can be yourself and have to be worry about pressure your getting, but be warn being a lone wolf is not a walk in the park. i used to be person who socialize but at the same time but want some personal space(it somewhat being a lone wolf).

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