
Whats wrong with my dog??? Urgent???

by  |  earlier

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My dog just got shots yesterday for (excuse my spelling) Boratella, Parvo, Rabies, and another I forgot... We were originally going to just get a 3 year rabies shot but the woman at the front desk said that it would be a good deal to get all 4 and she checked our dogs last shots and stuff and said it would be fine. Now today my dog has extreme sensitivity in his mid region where he got his shots... What should I do??????

For instance in his mid region if you try to pick him up he cries like crazy...




  1. I'd call and at least talk to an emergency clinic if you have one in your area.  Poor baby!! Give him a little kiss for me.  

  2. Awe, that's horrible! When my puppy first got her shots

    all she did was stay in her cage and sleep the vet told

    us not to take her out and play with her. And she only

    got 1 shot. So seeing that your dog got 4 shots I think

    she/he needs to rest for a while, meaning a couple days.

    It's like for humans, imagine if you got 4 shots I think you

    would be extremely sore. Depending on what time it is &

    where you live, I would give the vet a call and make sure

    that everything is okay. (Because where I live it's like 11pm)


  3. That happened to my dog as well, when he had his first round of puppy shots. According to my vet, those shots can sometimes be rather painful. If you're concerned, you could always contact an emergency vet in your area.

    Best of luck.

  4. That's just normal for some dogs after they get their shots.  It should be better in a day or so.

  5. I was at the vet last with my dog getting the same shots.  She did fine with  the Parvo and Rabies, but yelped with the Bortadella .  The vet said that the Bortadella  is the one that makes most dogs yelp.  

    My dog had all 3 shots in different places, but was sore for a couple of days anyway, especially where she got the Bortadella  shot.  

    Your dog will be fine a in a couple of days.  If you notice some swelling in that area, you can put some ice on him for about 10 minutes ... that is, if he will let you :-)

    For now, just be careful when you pick him up.  

  6. Your dog will be alittle sore for a few days and tired. That's normal.If you are concerned after that, you should call the vet.

  7. He's just a bit sensitive/ill from the shots.  If you got several shots at once wouldn't your stomach probably hurt?

  8. it seems like he got a lot of shots! that's a sensitive area on a dog anyway and he must be pretty sore. just let him lie around for a few days and he should be better. you're sore after getting shots too, right? especially in your mid region, that would hurt. there's probably nothing wrong though, just let him chill and try not to touch him there for a while.

    call your vet just in case though, better safe than sorry!

  9. Take him back to the vet he might just be tender still  

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