
Whats wrong with my ollie?

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whenever i ollie on my skateboard i can only land it with my front foot. What am i doing wrong?




  1. ehh you pretty much got it. like you have to put alot of commitment into it. try to get that other foot on the board as hard as you can.

  2. Um i think your not getting above the board enough.

    What you wana do is :

    Put your front foot near to the middle of the board abit higher.

    Then your back foot on the tail.

    Slam your backfoot down on the tail.

    Then pritty much at the same time slide your front foot up the board towards the nose. (What this does is level out the board straight)

    And jump.

    This should pritty much all be done at he same time.

    If you keep practicing you will get it. People have different ways of performing tricks.

    If you want any other info just ask. Ive been skating for 9years now :)

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