
Whats you number one reason for...?

by  |  earlier

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getting out of bed each day?




  1. My arthritis hurts too much if I don't move soon enough.

  2. For the same reasons everyone gave before me. Got places to go, people to see, things to do.

  3. to go jogging to get fit for military training this september

  4. to avoid laziness.

  5. gotta pee haha:)

  6. get ready 2 go school.

  7. house work

  8. the fact that today i might just be able to make a difference in somebody's life.

  9. to go to work and make money to spend....which having money to spend is another reason i get outta bed.

  10. Playing ps3 and surfing internet.

  11. Girls and if I don't I could get bed sores.

  12. So I don't get in trouble at school.

    And of course to see my friends who make me laugh.

    So in one word, to be happy

  13. Hope - that today will be a better day.

  14. To see if anything is going to become new instead of same **** different day. I wake up with that anticipation everyday.

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