
Whats your best 5km run time?

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whats your best 5k run time? only outdoors counts not on a machine. Honest answers please.




  1. 26 minutes.

  2. I don't know but can you work it out from 7:33 every 1.6 km. Thats for a 13 year old by the way so it's going to be slow. And you put it in the wrong section.

  3. I've never done a 5K before but my raw mile time is horrendous at 8:30 so times 5 would be 42:30 and then plus some for the added distance that would probably put me between 44 and 45 (plus I'm 16 years old, obviously I was a thrower on the track team).

  4. I go a 30 flat

    im 12

  5. 21 Minutes


  6. 22 minutes 50 seconds.

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